PTY-40058 - Practice Experience 4a
Coordinator: Emma Woodhouse
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 10
Study Hours: 176
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

This module forms part of the MSc Physiotherapy programme at Keele which is an innovative programme of study which prepares the graduate for clinical practice in changing health and social care settings.
The Practice Experience 4a module builds on content introduced in Year 1-3 of the MSci Physiotherapy programme and enables the student through physiotherapy practice experience to further develop and apply knowledge and skills in both assessment and therapeutic techniques.
Student will have the opportunity to critically reflect on elements of practice experience within this module.
The module aims to prepare the student to work in diverse healthcare settings whilst also developing transferable skills (i.e multidisciplinary team working, leadership and advance communication) that can be applied in a variety of healthcare settings and specialties.

This module aims to:
Enable the student to evaluate their personal and professional development focusing on both self and the management of others.

Develop and apply skills to effectively and efficiently assess and critically evaluate patient/client interventions in a relevant external setting.

Intended Learning Outcomes

contribute effectively to integrated care by evaluating factors that inform and affect social interactions with patients and carers and members of the inter-professional team: 1,2
formulate, perform, justify and modify an assessment and from it, form judgments regarding intervention required to meet the patients� needs with supervision as required: 1
develop and apply clinical reasoning skills to differentiate between diagnoses and the effectiveness of different physiotherapy interventions: 1
handle and record information with due regard to professional and regulatory guidance/requirements, placement base policies and legal and ethical requirements: 1
proactively demonstrate self-management skills by beginning to manage own and others work; being able to plan, organise and prioritise work/activities as well as more complex tasks: 1
identify and implement the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy's Code of Professional Values and Behaviour and the Health and Care Professions Council Guidance on Conduct and Ethics for Students within this practice experience: 1,2
review and demonstrate analysis of integrating experiential, clinical and research evidence into relevant healthcare settings: 1,2

Study hours

16 hours Schedule Learning/Teaching:
- 7 hours placement debrief (synchronous lecture)
- 5 hours lectures
- 1 hours assessment preparation
- 1 hour tutorial
- 2 hours assessment preparation
31 hours independent study including:
- 14 self-directed study to support completion of academic assessment
- 11 hours independent study
- 6 hours assessment preparation
129 hours placement
There is a requirement that students will undertake directed independent study in preparation for the placement and an expectation to undertake self-directed independent study throughout the duration of the placement, length of which will depend on individual need.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%
Criterion Referenced Assessment
The student's knowledge, skills and professional behaviour on Practice Experience 4a is assessed using a criterion referenced form.

2: Essay weighted 100%
Practice Experience Linked Module Assessment
This comprises of a 2000 word critical reflection based on an aspect of patient care during practice experience.