Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The Leadership and Management for Healthcare Professionals module builds on content introduced in Year 1-3 of the MSci Physiotherapy programme and enables the student recognise and understand differences between leadership and management.
Students will have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills of leadership and management systems and strategies to apply in clinical practice.
The module aims to prepare the student to work in diverse healthcare settings whilst also developing transferable skills (such as leadership and management, workforce planning, conflict management) that can be applied in a variety of healthcare settings and specialities.
The aims of this module are to:-
Introduce students to key concepts related to leadership and management and their application in health care settings.
Enable students to demonstrate effective leadership and management skills in a clinical environment.
Intended Learning Outcomes
critically evaluate differences between leadership and management, and the challenges associated with each role: 2
analyse and explore a range of leadership and management styles and evaluate their impact on workforce dynamics: 1,2
demonstrate and justify effective leadership and management skills in working environments: 1
synthesise and apply key concepts related to planning, innovation and creativity from given scenarios: 1
analyse and evaluate approaches commonly used in conflict management: 2
analyse and present data related to heath care economics: 1,2
30 tutor-led hours which includes:
~15 hours of lectures,
~13 hours of workshops/ seminars/ tutorials, and
~two hours of assessment preparation classes.
120 hours of independent study including
~100 hours of self-directed study,
~10 hours of directed self-study, and
~10 hours of assessment preparation.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Reflective Analysis weighted 40% 1500 word Reflection
Students will be required to submit a referenced critical reflection drawing on an experience during a clinical placement where effective leadership and management skills were required.
2: Report weighted 60%2500 word report
Business report: Students will discuss and analyse the impact of leadership and management on workforces in the health care sector