RDI-30004 - Radiographic Practice 3
Coordinator: Desiree O'Leary Tel: +44 1782 7 34112
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 20
Study Hours: 200
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

The aim of this module is to enable students to critically evaluate and reflect on principles of person-centred and collaborative practice when working with service users demonstrating complex needs and alongside this to explore the complex nature of professional autonomy.

The aim of this module is to enable students to critically evaluate the principles of person-centred and collaborative practice when working with service users demonstrating complex needs and alongside this to explore the complex nature of professional autonomy, while ensuring the best of patient care and radiation protection.

Intended Learning Outcomes

critically reflect on and critically evaluate the needs of specific client groups in the provision of imaging services: 1,2,3,4,5
undertake a range of radiographic examinations requiring adaptation of technique and supplementary projections on a wide range of service users, with an appropriate level of supervision: 2,4,5
critically analyse the knowledge, skills and attitude relevant to autonomous practice, leadership and decision making: 1,2,3,5

Study hours

A range of learning and teaching strategies will be employed including lectures, seminars, small group work and discussion, role play and placement learning. Classroom-based sessions will explore the experience of the service user and carer.
As part of this module students will complete an elective voluntary placement, between years 2 & 3, in a non-radiography setting, where students will normally have opportunity to work with individuals with more complex needs, e.g. children, older people or mental health service users.
It is anticipated that study hours will include approximately 83 hours of practice experience. This is derived from a total of 413 hours, averaged across all six assessed modules in year 3.
Scheduled teaching includes:
15 Hours practical sessions
25 Hours of synchronous lectures, seminars and discussion sessions
Independent study includes:
10 hours directed study from seminars/lectures
10 Hours of asynchronous sessions
27 hours prep for clinical placement and clinical assessments
30 Hours prep for assessment including completing the assessment for this module

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Reflective Analysis weighted 100%
2,500 word reflective analysis
A 2,500 word reflective analysis to assess the student's ability to reflect on and critically evaluate the needs of specific client groups in the provision of imaging services, and critically analyse the knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to autonomous practice, leadership and decision making.

2: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%
Portfolio A: Professional Competency
Assesses those aspects of student competency mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to assessment of overall professional competencies undertaken during Practice Experience.

3: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%
Portfolio B: Radiographic Competency
Assesses those aspects of student competency mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to assessment of specific radiographic practice competencies undertaken during Practice Experience.

4: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%
Portfolio C: Clinical Assessment Competency
Assesses those aspects of student competency mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to the mandatory clinical assessments undertaken during Practice Experience. Year 3 competencies: theatre, CT head, adaptation of technique (non ambulant - minimum 2 anatomical areas demonstrating significant case complexity).

5: Reflective Analysis weighted 0%
Portfolio D: Placement Reflection
Assesses those aspects of student engagement mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to the student�s personal and professional development during Practice Experience.

6: Viva weighted 0%
Portfolio E: Oral Examination - 40 mins
Assesses those aspects of student knowledge and application mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to complex trauma, to include all appendicular and axial plain imaging, as well as computerized tomography of the head.