Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The aim of this module is to encourage students to demonstrate a sound understanding of the structure and function of the human body in relation to pathological and traumatic processes and think critically about the appropriateness of imaging examinations in the context of the care pathway.
The module content will build on previous study of anatomy, physiology and pathology with focus on synthesising this knowledge. Case studies will be used to ensure that students engage with previous learning and make specific links between academic learning and practice experience.
The aim of this module is to encourage students to demonstrate sound understanding of the structure and function of the human body in relation to pathological and traumatic processes and think critically about the appropriateness of imaging examinations in the context of the patient care pathway.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Critically analyse the signs and symptoms of commonly presenting pathological and physiological conditions, their progression over time and debate their relevance to medical imaging: 1,2,4
Analyse the impact of commonly presenting conditions on the service user, carers and services: 1,2,3,4
Justify appropriate clinical decision making informed by synthesis of anatomical and pathological knowledge of the human body: 1,2,4
Critically discuss the implications for collaborative working with respect to the impact of commonly presenting conditions within defined pathways for individualised patient care: 1,2,3,4
Lectures introduces students to key concepts and assessment. Students will then be given a series of case studies to work on with regular group tutorial support. Students will be provided feedback to assist further learning, support practice learning and the final assessment.
It is anticipated that study hours will include approximately 83 hours of practice experience. This is derived from a total of 413 hours, averaged across five of the six assessed modules in year 3 (excludes Professional Development 3).
Description of Module Assessment
1: Assignment weighted 100%Assignment (2,500 words) analysing a pathological/ physiological clinical scenario for an individual patient.
Formative assignments using scenario-based individual patient conditions in each of 4 topic areas (viz: cardiac, neurology, oncology and trauma) will be provided over the teaching period. Students will thereby learn analysis, diagnosis and management of clinical scenarios according to current NHS guidelines and Radiological guidelines. The scenarios will advise and train students to apply clinical reasoning to signs and symptoms in a number of commonly presenting conditions all with reference to diagnostic imaging. The summative assignment will consist of a 2,500 word analysis of a clinical scenario in one of the 4 topic areas. The assignment must include details relating to the diagnosis and management of a clinical scenario based case study, including any collaborative working within the care pathway. The student must demonstrate clinical reasoning skills, their knowledge of signs and symptoms of commonly presenting conditions, all with reference to diagnostic imaging. The intended learning outcomes will all be tested in this critical analysis.
2: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%Portfolio B: Radiographic Competency
Assesses those aspects of student competency mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to assessment of specific radiographic practice competencies undertaken during Practice Experience.
3: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%Portfolio C: Clinical Assessment Competency
Assesses those aspects of student competency mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to the mandatory clinical assessments undertaken during Practice Experience. Year 3 competencies: theatre, CT head, adaptation of technique (non ambulant).
4: Practice Based Assessment weighted 0%Portfolio E: Oral Examination 40 mins
Assesses those aspects of student knowledge and application mapped against the intended learning outcomes of this module: with reference to complex trauma, to include all appendicular and axial plain imaging, as well as computerized tomography of the head.