SWK-20026 - Social Work Practice Placement (1): Practice, Theory and Methods
Coordinator: Helen Franklin Tel: +44 1782 7 34866
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 790
School Office: 01782 733928

Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2022/23

Keele University has strong social work practice links in the local area, with a history of successful placement provision within both local authorities, the NHS and both Private and Voluntary sector agencies. Where possible placements are facilitated to take into account and complement individual student interests and anticipated future career pathways when considered alongside their final placement preferences. At first placement level, this could include, but is not limited to, preventative or support working in relation to human rights, domestic violence, substance use or homelessness. There must be sufficient contrast between the two placements.

The aim of this module is to provide students with practice experience in accordance with the Professional Standards for social work. Students will be expected to demonstrate and consolidate their skills and knowledge developed within the first year of the programme, working directly with the public within a social work related practice setting.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

demonstrate professional capability in social work practice through evidence of working towards the professional standards of the regularity body and in line with all nine domains of the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) (BASW 2018), End of First Placement Level: 1
demonstrate effective use of knowledge and skills and commitment to care in social work in a given setting, predominantly dealing with situations of lower complexity, with supervision and support: 1,2
demonstrate an initial capacity to work with situations of increased complexity and where solutions and outcomes are uncertain or less clear-cut: 1
identify, use and analyse relevant social work theories and methods in a detailed written account of practice: 2
demonstrate professional suitability ('Fitness to Practise') in accordance with regulatory body expectations and university regulations, and adhere to the British Association of Social Workers' Code of Ethics: 1
Evidence understanding and appropriate use of theories, models, skills and interventions in own practice and evaluate their impact through reflection: 1

Study hours

The module will also include a 70 day placement - a placement day equates to 7-8 hours depending upon the placement setting.
18 hours seminar/workshop sessions introducing theories and methods for practice (commencing before the start of placement itself) plus
10 - lecture/input material delivered asynchronously (recorded)
12 hours of group tutorials throughout the year offering support but also integration of theory and practice
Prior to placement, 16 hours of taught preparation for practice and assessment in practice
Intermediate skills days: 5 days (35 hours)
Recall days: 15 hours
Each week on placement, students will have half a day or equivalent of study time to help with reflective practice and portfolio preparation
194 hours includes: reflection time on skills days (22 hours), half day per placement week portfolio building (68 hours) working on reflective diary entries/extracts for portfolio, organising and collecting evidence from other professionals and service users/carers.
preparation for assessment and for direct work (60+ 44 respectively= 104)

School Rules

To pass this module and fulfil the SWE requirements,
70 days must be attended on placement and any missed days for whatever reason must be made up prior to placement completion

Description of Module Assessment

1: Portfolio weighted 0%
First Practice Placement (70) days, portfolio and verification of work completed
Confirmation of completion of First Practice Placement (70 days) including portfolio of evidence. Portfolio to be submitted comprising: Learning Plan, (student & PE to complete) Outline of agency setting (500 words) Account of work examples (max. 1000 words) Reflection on Service User Feedback (500 words) Two Critical Reflections (750 words x 2) Reflection on Student Learning (500 words) Three Direct Observations from the Practice Educator with short student response Reports from Practice Educator and Onsite Supervisor (where applicable), to verify students� capability against the 9 domains of the PCF.

2: Case Study weighted 100%
Critical Analysis of Practice (2000 words)
This assessment will be based upon one piece of work that students have completed on their placement. They will examine the usefulness of chosen theories and methods to understanding the context and experiences of the service user concerned and to guiding their practice. This is a formal academic piece of work, albeit based upon students' practice, rather than the shorter Accounts of Practice which are shorter and included in the portfolio