Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module covers a range of theories of leadership and organisational management, change and culture that are appropriate to the social work practice context. It analyses different organisational contexts, priorities and collaborations (e.g. private, voluntary, statutory). The module also includes a focus upon notions of professional authority and professional leadership for and by individual practitioners, which are key challenges in complex areas of practice and so this will support students' final year and pre-employment development. The theoretical approaches will be complemented by a reflective exploration of skills (conceptual and other) required to further develop these areas and the assessments examine both the reflective and the theoretical and applied components.
To explore theoretical knowledge of leadership, working within organisations within contemporary social work practice contexts and to consider and develop an understanding of professional authority and confidence, within a context in which partnership working is essential, but often challenging.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
analyse theories of leadership, management, and change in relation to social work practice contexts: 2
critically evaluate literature that explores partnership working with service users and carers: 2
critically analyse learning from serious case reviews and/or Inquiry reports in social work to identify learning and practice challenges: 1
examine and critically discuss examples of the legal, ethical and practice imperatives requiring an inter-professional approach to effective professional practice: 2
explore and critique the concepts of 'professional authority' and 'professional leadership' in the content of contemporary social work and identify own professional development needs in relation to these concepts: 1
60 hours of teaching to include a balance of workshop-based sessions (50 hours) and small group tutorials to support the personal development aspect and preparation of assessments (10 hours)
240 independent study including preparation for assessment and for preparation of poster presentation (80 hours); preparation for taught sessions (120 hours); 40 hours wider reading to extend or consolidate learning
Description of Module Assessment
1: Poster Presentation weighted 50%Individual Poster Presentation (equivalent to 1000 words)
Students will identify and explore the concepts of professional leadership, power and authority within the contexts of contemporary social work practice, and identify areas for development around professional concern, drawing upon learning from Serious Case Reviews
2: Case Study weighted 50%Case study (3000 words)
Students will apply theoretical and prior placement based learning to explore a case scenario in which issues of organisational leadership, change and inter-professional working will be central. Students will identify key risks and opportunities and will demonstrate confidence in using theory to explore and explain these practice concepts, processes and contexts