Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module will develop students' knowledge and understanding in order to critically analyse and review social work research and literature. Students' skills will be developed to enable them to demonstrate their understanding of research applicable to contemporary practice. Students will not undertake primary data collection, but will explore and critique literature in relation to their chosen area of review.
The module aims to develop and enhance the students� evidence-based knowledge and analytical skills in identifying, reviewing and presenting a critical analysis of social work research in a chosen area, along with demonstrating an understanding of its applicability to contemporary practice.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
critically examine and evaluate research approaches, methods and their associated/underpinning philosophies: 2
critique in a concise manner, the concept of 'evidence-based practice' in social work, drawing upon relevant arguments from published sources: 1
demonstrate a critical understanding of research ethics, including service user involvement in research: 2
critically evaluate and analyse a range of information, draw conclusions and make recommendations for professional practice: 2
Teaching via lectures, workshops and seminars - 50 hours
Supervision and support during report development and writing - 10- hours
Directed Study - 60 hours - preparation for workshops
Self directed study - 180 hours (including 100 hours to produce the assessed work and 80 hours for the associated finding and analysis of resources)
Description of Module Assessment
1: Short Paper weighted 20%1000-word short essay
1000-word essay which asks students to critically appraise evidence-based practice in social work
2: Report weighted 80%5000 word report
Report requiring students to critique a range of published research relating to a specific issue in an area of social work practice (chosen by the student and agreed with the module lead). This 5000 word report will have a specific structure and the students will need to show knowledge of social work research processes, ethics and philosophical foundations.