Programme/Approved Electives for 2022/23
Available as a Free Standing Elective
VET-10009 Professional Skills and Academic Practice
This module follows the stream which develops a students� academic, personal and professional skills. Using a combination of visiting lecturers from industry and case study based approach this module examines ethical and professional constraints and requirements, and establishes the legal groundwork within which a veterinary surgeon operates.
This module addresses the following RCVS competencies:
1 - Be fully conversant with, and follow the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct
2 - Understand the ethical and legal responsibilities of the veterinary surgeon in relation to patients, clients, society and the environment.
12 - Demonstrate ability to cope with incomplete information, deal with contingencies, and adapt to change.
This module addresses the following RCVS underpinning knowledge:
The ethical framework within which veterinary surgeons should work, including important ethical theories that inform decision-making in professional and animal welfare-related ethics.
The aims of this module are to:
1. To examine professional requirements in certification
2. To introduce working concepts of the law as it relates to veterinary practice
3. To examine the ethical issues associated with interprofessional relationships, professional competence and animal welfare
4. To introduce the concepts of clinical governance
Intended Learning Outcomes
Apply knowledge of ethical frameworks, the legal system and regulatory requirements to all aspects of the veterinary profession: 1,2
Define the functions of representative and regulatory organisations and analyse their role in the veterinary profession: 1,2
Evaluate the standards of professional conduct required for veterinary surgeons and the implications of working within a regulated profession: Explain the principles of clinical governance and quality improvement in veterinary medicine and apply these principles through significant event analysis: 2
18 hours lectures
6 hours seminars
4 hours workshops
72 hours independent study
Description of Module Assessment
1: Essay weighted 50%Ethical Dilemma Essay
Students are to submit one discursive essay on a chosen veterinary scenario which addresses a relevant ethical or legal scenario within the veterinary profession, critically analysing and integrating appropriately referenced material to provide a balanced discussion and evidence-based conclusion
Students will receive formative feedback on a draft version of the essay prior to submitting final version for graded assessment. Word count 1,000 words.
2: Exam weighted 50%Open Book Exam
In-situ, open-book timed (180 minutes) written assessment where students are to discuss 3 ethical, legal or professional scenarios citing appropriate sources to inform discussion and evidence conclusions