BSL-90002 - British Sign Language 2
Coordinator: Andrew Rowe
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733960

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective





Students must have completed BSL-90001, or have equivalent knowledge. Language Centre approval required for this module.

Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module aims to enhance students' ability to understand and use basic British Sign Language (BSL) and understanding of deaf culture.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Give and follow simple familiar statements or descriptions in BSL: 3
Fingerspell in BSL: 2
Demonstrate an awareness of BSL language development and linguistics: 1
Demonstrate an awareness of the deaf community and culture, communication aids and BSL language structure: 1

Study hours

20 hours contact teaching.
100 hours class preparation, revision, and private study.
15 hours preparation and completion of Portfolio.
15 hours preparation for and attendance at Oral Exam.

School Rules

Students must have completed BSL-90001, or have equivalent knowledge. Language Centre approval required for this module.

Description of Module Assessment

1: Online Tasks weighted 25%
Learner Journal
Learner Journal of approximately 800 words including a contrastive language analysis.

2: Competence weighted 25%
Receptive Task
Students will watch a video clip played and signed in BSL, they will be able to take notes, and then they will have to answer several multiple-choice questions related to the video.

3: Practical Exam weighted 50%
Oral exam in receptive and productive skills.
Students will complete a 3-5 minute productive and receptive test via a one-to-one conversation signed in BSL.