CHE-10061 - Practical and Professional Chemistry Skills
Coordinator: Chloe Howe Room: LJ1.60B Tel: +44 1782 7 33584
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 734921

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module will introduce you to practical and professional chemistry skills, equipping you with the skills necessary for laboratory classes throughout the course. In addition to the practical skills, the module also focuses on essential skills for scientists, emphasising communication (oral and written), information literacy, professionalism, problem-solving and collaborative work.

To develop essential preparative and analytical laboratory skills.
To equip students with the ability to communicate experimental procedures, findings, data and conclusions through appropriate scientific media.
To equip students with experience in data analysis and problem solving.
To develop awareness of safety and sustainability implications in the chemistry laboratory.
To develop team working skills and the ability to recognise the roles necessary for successful team work.
To initiate progress towards the development of Keele¿s Graduate Attributes with a particular emphasis on high standards of record keeping, communication (oral and written), information literacy and presentation.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Identify, assemble and select appropriate standard chemical apparatus for chemical procedures: 3
Demonstrate competence in the use of standard chemical apparatus, procedures and instrumentation: 3
Analyse and interpret 1H NMR, IR and UV-vis spectra to evaluate the outcome of experimental investigations: 1,2
Perform COSHH risk assessments for chemical procedures with reference to chemical safety databases, including the documentation for all hazards and chemical disposal procedures: 1
Record accurately and appropriately the purpose, methodology, safety practices, information sources, results and data analysis relating to experimental investigations in a systematically maintained laboratory diary: 1
Extract and interpret relevant information from scientific literature: 1,2
Manipulate and analyse experimental data, using spreadsheets, to create appropriate graphs and extract scientific parameters: 1,2,3
Communicate the outcomes of an experimental investigation via a laboratory report that observes professional practice and conventions in chemistry: 1,2
Reflect and act on feedback from a variety of sources: 1,2
Communicate the purpose and methodology of a laboratory skill via academic presentation:

Study hours

Active Learning:
Practical Classes: 63 hr
Assessment introductions + feedback + data analysis sessions: 16 hr
Independent Study:
Pre-laboratory preparation: 30 hr
Independent Study: 189 hr
Practical exam: 2 hr

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Portfolio weighted 40%
Online laboratory portfolio
An online portfolio (with a single submission date) recording all aspects of student¿s yearlong experimental work. As part of the portfolio, students will make regular entries to prepare for laboratory sessions, diarise their experimental work, compile their data, analyse the results, and reflect on the outcomes. Students will also receive formative feedback on their entries to improve their skills and final summative submission.

2: Report weighted 30%
Lab report
Students will produce a full lab report based on a lab practical, equivalent to 1500 words.

3: Practical Exam weighted 20%
Practical exam
In-lab assessment (~1.5 hours) of practical skills

4: Coursework weighted 10%
Students will give a 5-7 minute oral account of a lab skill in the form of a pre-recorded presentation that will be submitted online.