CHE-10065 - Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry
Coordinator: Katherine Haxton Room: LJ1.43 Tel: +44 1782 7 34209
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 734921

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module focuses on environmental chemistry and placing chemistry within a social, political, and economic context through a systems thinking approach. In the first semester, you will work on key topics in environmental chemistry, before looking at the impact of chemistry on the world in semester two when the focus shifts to sustainable chemistry. Assessments are designed to help you develop information retrieval and communication skills by asking you to produce work aimed at different audiences and for different purposes.

This module aims:
to develop knowledge and understanding of issues in environmental chemistry;
to develop a range of information retrieval, research, and written and oral communication skills;
to discuss key aspects of sustainability underpinning the role of chemistry in society using a systems thinking approach.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Locate, evaluate and summarise information from a variety of sources including peer-reviewed scientific literature, media and generative AI, and reference sources appropriately using a consistent Vancouver reference format: 1,2,3
Plan and write a report for a specified audience on aspects of environmental chemistry demonstrating effective written communication skills: 1
Describe and evaluate chemical technologies for environmental applications and convey findings persuasively: 2
Describe, explain and apply principles of systems thinking and sustainability to chemistry focussed case studies: 3
Identify and research an emerging topic in sustainable chemistry using a variety of sources and summarise using effective written and graphical communication skills for a specified audience: 3

Study hours

Active Learning:
60 hours - interactive lectures (2-4 hours per week across semesters 1 and 2)
Independent Study: 240 hrs

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Essay weighted 30%
Essay - 1000 words
Essay answering a specific question related to environmental chemistry, marked through tutor assessment against explicit criteria made available in advance. Substantial research using peer-reviewed scientific literature is required to complete this task and distil the results of that research into a concise and accurate 1000 words. A formative short written piece will be submitted for feedback on style, referencing and writing style (equivalent to 500 words).

2: Case Study weighted 20%
Case study
Students will propose and detail a synergistic combination of modern chemical processes and technologies, describing how these can be applied to address a specific environmental challenge. Arguments will be supported by primary peer-reviewed scientific literature and attention paid to geographical and economic considerations. Equivalent to 800 words.

3: Report weighted 50%
Magazine-style article
Production of a magazine-style article on an emerging topic in sustainable chemistry. This will be formatted in the style of a magazine article including figures, tables and pictures and references. Substantial research using peer-reviewed scientific literature is required to complete this task and distil the results of that research into a concise and accurate 1000 words appropriate for a specified audience. A formative set of figures and an article plan will be submitted for feedback (equivalent to 1000 words) and students will note how they have used their feedback in the finished article.