CHI-90006 - Chinese 6
Coordinator: Emily Ouyang Room: CBB1.006 Tel: +44 1782 7 33288
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733960

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective





Chinese 5 or equivalent (e.g. CEFR A2)

Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module will further develop your language communication skills In Mandarin Chinese, enabling you to conduct routine tasks you are likely to encounter in socialising, living, studying, travelling or working in China.
Functions and topics will include: expressing and understanding of feelings and emotions expressed orally and in personal letters, explaining reasons and giving excuses in a more sensitive or complex manner, expressing opinions, offering advice, giving details of future plans and projections and making guesses. Some feature film clips set in a variety of social and work situations will be analysed in teaching sessions. There will also be reading and writing work to build your confidence in handling mixture of various Chinese characters.
You will also become fluent with a range of social contexts and culturally specific behaviour.

This module aims to further develop students' Chinese language communication skills already acquired up to Chinese 5 or equivalent (CEFR A2). By placing the focus of study on language structure and functional, cultural knowledge, the module aims to foster learners' ability to communicate in the Chinese language at a higher level.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Understand the main point in clear speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, studies, leisure, etc.: 1,3
Summarise and extract key information from written texts that consist mainly of personal, everyday or job-related language: 1,2
Interact in routine tasks requiring direct exchange of information on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life: 3
Write coherent texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest in Chinese: 1,2
Recognise and use different linguistic structures in the target language and compare them to the English language: 1,2,3
Recognise and act upon cultural differences and demonstrate awareness of register and style: 1,2,3

Study hours

22 hours of contact time in class.
40 hours assessment preparation and completion.
88 hours guided independent study.

School Rules

Admission to the module must be confirmed through completion of a language level self-assessment form
Students are only permitted to take one Chinese language module per semester.

Description of Module Assessment

1: Online Tasks weighted 30%
Online Tasks
Students will complete a series of online exercises to assess their reading comprehension, grammar and writing skills in the target language.

2: Class Test weighted 20%
Class Test
Students will complete an in-class test which may include writing a short text in the target language in class.

3: Oral Exam weighted 50%
Spoken Interaction Assessment
A 8-12 minute spoken interaction assessment to test speaking (productive), listening (receptive) and conversation (interaction) skills. Task may include presentation, role play, description or similar and question and answer. If assessments are organised in pairs or groups, individual marks will be awarded to each student.