CSC-20059 - Computational Mathematics with Python
Coordinator: Maryam Parvizi
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733075

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

Scientific computing is one of the cornerstones of modern applied mathematics and data science. By equipping learners with a high-level general purpose programming language ¿Python¿, they will be well equipped to explore a plethora of data science problems using standard scientific and industry relevant tools and techniques e.g. Jupyter Notebooks.

¿The main aim of this module is to introduce learners to the three elements of scientific computing; numerical analysis, programming and modelling.
In particular, the programming element aims to provide learners with a valuable transferrable skill in the Python programming language. We also aim to give learners a broad appreciation of the different computational tools at their disposal, and an introduction to numerical analysis.

Intended Learning Outcomes

select and apply appropriate mathematical and computational tools to help to interpret, solve and analyse a variety of problems: 1,2,3
create appropriate graphics (including interactive or animated) to illustrate a particular problem and/or solution: 1,3
write well commented and structured Python code with appropriate use of modules/libraries: 1,3
apply iterative methods to analyse and solve algebraic equations: 2,3
demonstrate the importance of the precision and bounds of floating point numbers: 2,3
perform numerical integration, differentiation and numerically solve ordinary differential equations, showing knowledge of numerical convergence: 2,3

Study hours

18 hours lab sessions during block release
18 hours online lectures
114 hours private study, including directed exercises and preparation of coursework/project

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Exercise weighted 20%
Programming exercise
A set of programming exercises provided in a notebook template. All answers to be accompanied by appropriate commentary. Students complete the exercises outside of class in open-book conditions and collaboration is forbidden. In total students can expect to spend 1-2 hours completing the exercises.

2: Exercise weighted 20%
Numerical analysis exercise
A set of numerical computation exercises provided in a notebook template. All answers to be accompanied by appropriate commentary. Students complete the exercises outside of class in open-book conditions and collaboration is forbidden. In total students can expect to spend 1-2 hours completing the exercises.

3: Project weighted 60%
Individual study project
Individual project expanding on material covered during the module. The project will require learners to create a program to investigate a chosen mathematical concept. Learners must include a description of the code, how to execute it and a report of the findings. This must include details of the mathematical theory involved. The length of the project, when exported to pdf, will not exceed 6 pages, including code, figures and tables, but not including appendices. Formatting guidelines will be provided.