CSC-40104 - Human Factors of Cyber Security
Coordinator: Aisha Junejo Room: CR122
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733075

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module aims to provide a foundational understanding of the role of human factors in cyber security and how to design security that is usable and acceptable to a range of human actors. It also aims to introduce a broader organisational and societal perspective on security. This will include the importance of trust and collaboration for effective cyber security and how to engage stakeholders and negotiate security solutions that meet their needs.
The content and terminology used is based on the "Human Factors Knowledge Area" of "The Cyber Security Body Of Knowledge".

Intended Learning Outcomes

support the capabilities and limitations of target users and the devices they use;: 1
apply contextual inquiry to identify the primary tasks stakeholders are carrying out;: 1
design well-fitting security tasks that consider mental and physical workload;: 1
design effective approaches to support security awareness and behaviour change;: 2
develop methods to encourage a positive security culture.: 2

Study hours

20 hours of interactive large group sessions;
10 hours of small group labs/tutorials;
30 hours of directed reading/viewing;
5 hours of participation in online asynchronous sessions;
40 hours of preparation for assessment 1 (Design of a set of well-fitting security tasks) in small teams;
5 hours of participation in cohort presentation sessions for assessment 1.
40 hours of preparation for assessment 2 (Design of a security awareness, education and training campaign);

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Presentation weighted 40%
Design of a set of well-fitting security tasks
Students will work in small teams to identify a set of stakeholders and tasks that they carry out, based on a case study organisation. They will then design a set of 3 security tasks that take into account the capabilities and limitations of target users and the devices they use, the context they work within and standard usability attributes. These tasks will then be presented to the cohort in a 15 minute presentation + 15 minutes for questions. Assessment will be based on the design of the security tasks.

2: Coursework weighted 60%
Design of a security awareness, education and training campaign
Students will design a security awareness, education and training campaign that promotes a positive security culture within a chosen organisation. This will include a review of appropriate methods e.g. simulations and games, the proposed design of a campaign and an outline of how resulting behaviour change could be evaluated within a chosen organisation. Students will produce a report (3,000 word equiv.) that outlines the campaign, including reasons for its design and behaviour changes expected.