ENG-10038 - Writing Scripts
Coordinator: Freddie Machin
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module introduces you to the skills of writing for stage and screen, and the technical skills of transferring your creative ideas to a dramatic scene or short film. You will read and watch examples of practice in the field, learn how to create the text we call 'a script', and work on producing your own examples.
The module is taught by a combination of lectures, tutorials and workshops in which you will discuss examples of successful and interesting scripts and screenplays, and discuss them both critically and in terms of creative practice. Your responses to these ideas will form the material of writers' workshops, where you discuss and give feedback on each others' work in a constructive and supportive group.

To introduce students to the key elements of script- and screenwriting, and to show how the understanding of those elements can be both employed to analyse existing examples of film/video writing and deployed to create their own scripts.
Additionally, to develop an understanding of genres of script-writing through an exploration of its historical and contemporary development, giving students the opportunity to engage with creative as well as critical practice and to begin to explore the relationship between the two.

Intended Learning Outcomes

recognise some of the key elements and practices of scriptwriting and the terminology used to describe it.: 1,2
write scripts that demonstrate an engagement with the practical and critical skills explored in the module: 1
employ written and oral communication in the critical discussion of scripts: 2
reflect critically on the creative practice (of themselves and others): 2
engage with the work of a range of contemporary screenwriters and their literary antecedents: 2
demonstrate analytical skills - close reading and analysis of form and creative practice: 1,2

Study hours

Lectures: 6 hours
Small Reading Groups: 6 hours
Exercise Workshops: 6 hours
Open Advice Sessions: 5 hours
Peer Review Workshops: 12 hours
Feedback: 1 hour
Individual study: 72 hours
Workshop/Assessment preparation: 42 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Portfolio weighted 80%
A 3-5 Minute Script or Screenplay
An original script- or screenplay, formatted to the correct conventions, representing a performable piece of work of 3-5 minutes, and demonstrating a technical and creative response to the teaching on the module.

2: Commentary weighted 20%
A Critical Commentary on the Portfolio
A reflective and technical commentary of 500 words analysing the Portfolio assessment.