ENG-10042 - Writing, Delivery and Performance
Coordinator: James Sheard Tel: +44 1782 7 33302
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module aims to equip you with a solid understanding of how your creative work might find a wider audience. It teaches you how to prepare and present creative work in the way that editors and other professionals expect; how to understand and respond to calls for submissions and submission guidelines; and how to 'perform' for an audience.
Lectures and seminars show you the professional literary landscape in terms of opportunities to submit your work, and how to do that most effectively. You will research these opportunities, and then match them to your own creative work, attempting to find a connection between the two. Workshops give you the chance to practise these and related skills in a supportive atmosphere. You will also learn some techniques and confidence-building to read your work at Open Mics and other venues.

The Module aims to establish and develop students' understanding of the conventions and practices of the profession of creative writing, including the preparation, editing and submission routes for original work, the performance of one's writing in different venues and the ecology of publication and performance. It aims also to encourage students' engagement with the world outside of creative writing in the academy.

Intended Learning Outcomes

analyse the ecology of publication opportunities: 1
prepare and present writing and/or manuscripts which conform to editing conventions: 2,3
research and understand publication types and submission guidelines: 1
present their own writing through performance/live reading/recital: 3
pitch writing to appropriate publishing platforms: 2

Study hours

Lectures : 6 hours
Seminars : 12 hours
Workshops: 12 hours
Open Advice Sessions : 5 hours
Feedback: 1 hour
Individual Study: 72 hours
Seminar/Assessment Prep: 42 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Exercise weighted 10%
Report on Submission Opportunities
Research and present via a slide on the KLE a description of 3 current submission opportunities which match the student's creative interests and ability to meet submission guidelines.

2: Writing Assessment weighted 70%
A Piece of Submittable Original Writing
A piece of original poetry (1-3 poems), fiction (500-1000 words) or script (3-5 minutes) tailored to a specific Call for Submissions, as identified in Assessment 1, together with a 500-word Commentary on how the piece relates to the submission guidelines.

3: Performance weighted 20%
A Performance of Writing
A performance of part or all of original writing from Assessment 2 to an audience. This will involve either a recital of poetry or a story or a performance of a script to the peer group.