ENL-10057 - The Stories We Live By
Coordinator: Ella Tennant Tel: +44 1782 7 33083
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733960

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24

Global Challenge Pathway Global Challenge Pathway (Level 4)

Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations

Any other GCP module

Description for 2023/24

Language and culture are an indelible part of everything we do, but perceived cultural differences can cause confusion, mistrust and frustration. However, rather than looking at differences as a source of conflict, an awareness and understanding of culture and communication skills can enable positive interdisciplinary engagement and participation in global, outward facing activities.
This module will allow you to begin exploring different cultures and show how language and culture impacts on every action we take and on every decision we make. As we widen our scope of enquiry to a global scale, we look at how language and culture influence the UN Sustainable Development Goals ¿ both positively and negatively. You will also begin developing the awareness and skills to overcome intercultural barriers by meeting and working with people from around the world.

The module aims to provide a general overview of intercultural communication. This includes an introduction to different models of culture, potential barriers to intercultural understanding, and approaches to overcoming these challenges. It will allow you to look at your own culture and identify what factors might influence them, and how these are drawn together to produce national cultures which in turn produce cultural stereotyping. You will be introduced to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and begin to examine how culture and language can both help and hinder the success of these goals You will also develop digital skills and an approach to enhancing your future employability.

Intended Learning Outcomes

identify and explore models and concepts relating to intercultural awareness and communication: 1,2,3
demonstrate knowledge of models of intercultural awareness and communication and how these impact on the UN Sustainability Goals: 1,2,3
apply their academic learning to real-world contexts and develop skills in project-based, problem-based and scenario-based learning in a critical and reflective way: 1,2,3
develop and reflect on practices of digital communication and collaboration in relation to intercultural awareness and communication: 1,2,3
explore intercultural awareness and communication in relation to societal and workplace contexts: 1,2,3

Study hours

- 22 hours compulsory, online sessions, including presentation, discussion and simulated activities
- 12 hours compulsory sessions to include orientation activity in person, GCP end of year conference, facilitated group work sessions to be specified
- 10 hours optional assessment support workshops and independent skills-focused training utilising online resources
- 12 hours student-led group sessions/collaborative project work
- 50 hours of independent research and preparation for assessments
- 44 hours session preparation and follow up

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Group Project weighted 60%
Digital Exhibit
The project will take the form of a digital exhibit which will be showcased at the end of year GCP conference. The format of the exhibit will be negotiated with students on the module. Students will work in small groups to develop their output. An indicative length for the output such as a podcast or presentation will be 15 minutes. Students will work in interdisciplinary groups to prepare and produce their digital exhibit on an intercultural communication issue of their choice and how it impacts on the UN Sustainability Goals. The presentation will outline the issue, why it is an issue, current approaches to reduce the issue and potential future solutions. The exhibit will be shared at the GCP conference; the audience will include the community of learners across the pathways. The grade for this assessment will be split equally between (a) the individual contribution to the project which will be summarised in an individual statement of 200-250 words, and (b) the group exhibit as a whole. This is to address both the individual and the group sides of the project, as well as both the content and project-management dimensions of the assessment

2: Portfolio weighted 30%
Independent reflective blog
Students will maintain a reflective portfolio throughout the module. This will include: -Reflection on working in interdisciplinary groups and intercultural settings -Reflection on learning and development of perspectives -Reflection on their development of competencies Additional areas of reflection will include reference to digital fluency, employability and global perspectives. The portfolio will include reflection on personal and group actions that students commit to taking as a result of their learning, to develop feelings of empowerment and agency

3: Group Presentation weighted 10%
Group Project Pitch
Group pitch for the exhibition/conference project, c. 500 words, delivered in the form of a 5-minute presentation by the project team at a mid point in the year. This should be directed at an editor, including an introductory 'hook' and a summary of contents. The written summary of the pitch will form part of the conference booklet and as a digital resource for the pathway. Students will write an abstract to accompany their presentation. This will form part of the conference booklet and as a digital resource for the pathway.