LAW-30130 - Community Legal Outreach
Coordinator: Jane Krishnadas Room: CBC1.026 Tel: +44 1782 7 33160
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733218

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module offers you the opportunity to train as a Community Legal Companion through the Law School's research-led, pioneering and nationally acclaimed CLOCK programme. It will provide you with invaluable first-hand experience of community legal outreach and the challenges faced by litigants in person, often vulnerable or in acute need. As a Community Legal Companion, you will assist litigants in person through formal/court proceedings and in supporting their access to legal and charitable support services. Completing this module will help you to acquire vital experience of the legal system, demonstrate your active citizenship and develop your career-related skills. Combining elements of independent research and personal reflection you will connect your learning to real world experience (enhancing your employability), while helping others and making a difference in your local community.

The aim of this module is to embed within the curriculum experience of community legal outreach as provided for by the School's research-led, pioneering and nationally acclaimed CLOCK programme (Community Legal Outreach Collaboration Keele ¿
Connecting student learning with real world experience, the module is designed to equip students to acquire career-related skills and workplace experience attractive to prospective employers. Its aims are to inculcate a sense of social responsibility and active citizenship, enhance students¿ digital skills through training, encourage students to reflect critically upon the challenges of community legal outreach in family law, housing or social welfare contexts and improve their core communication, research and critical thinking skills.

Intended Learning Outcomes

demonstrate reliable, objective, professionally guided assistance in court proceedings to persons who are vulnerable or in acute social need: 1
evidence and appraise their collaborative working relationships with CLOCK participant organisations in assisting litigants in person in the local community: 1
reflect critically on their personal contribution and experiences in supporting litigants in person in housing, social welfare or family law contexts: 1
reflect critically upon the transformative impact of their role as a Community Legal Companion in their student learning journey: 1
explain and critique the legal and non-legal challenges facing litigants in person seeking access to justice: 2
conduct independent research on an issue pertaining to access to justice, demonstrating critical analysis: 2

Study hours

CLOCK training = 35 hours
volunteering = 2 hours per week x 24 weeks = 48 hours
completing reflective diary = 12 hours
independent research and assessment prep = 55 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Reflective Analysis weighted 30%
Written critical reflection
A concise reflective account of insights and experiences gained through community legal outreach (1,000 words)

2: Assignment weighted 70%
Report based on independent research
A 2,000-word piece of independent research on a topic relevant to the student's experience of community legal outreach (e.g. family, housing, social welfare). The topic will be selected by the student, subject to approval by the Module Leader.