LIB-10003 - Liberal Arts and Society's Grand Challenges
Coordinator: David Ballantyne Tel: +44 1782 7 34409
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

In this module you will consider the role that the Humanities and Social Sciences can play in the resolution of the major challenges facing society. Through participation in the Grand Challenges lectures and discussion with students enrolled on the NAT-10001 module, you will have opportunities to apply the foundational knowledge and skills, methodological and analytical tools, perspectives and approaches developed in Introduction to the Liberal Arts and your chosen subject choices, to specific problems and societal challenges introduced through the Grand Challenges lecture series.
Within this module you will also develop information literacy, oral presentation, and academic writing and reading skills, and problem-solving skills that are essential to longer term success within the degree programme.

This module will provide an introduction to the interdisciplinary approach and perspectives associated with the combination of different academic disciplines within the Liberal Arts and beyond. Students will be encouraged to explore the nature and significance of the interdisciplinary boundaries associated with their chosen combinations of modules from other disciplines and will be encouraged to consider the societal relevance through participation in the 'Global Challenges' lecture programme and follow-up learning set sessions held jointly with students on the NAT-10001 module. Students will also be introduced to key information literacy and academic reading and writing skills that underpin the programme.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Explain the benefits of an interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving and exemplify this with specific reference to their chosen subject combinations: 1,2
Identify, discuss and reflect upon the role that the Humanities and Social Sciences can play in the resolution of the major challenges facing society: 1,2
Locate, evaluate, and make effective use of a wide range of university-level information sources: 1,2
Communicate clearly and effectively using appropriate academic conventions associated with the Humanities and Social Sciences: 1,2

Study hours

Interactive lectures: 8
Workshops: 7
Student Conference: 2 hours
Global Challenges Lectures: 6 hours
Follow-up Discussion Sessions: 6 hours
Guided Independent Study: 121 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Group Presentation weighted 50%
Group Presentation
A small-group presentation of up to 15 minutes focussed on EITHER one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, OR on one of the Grand/Global Challenge lectures. It is expected that each student will contribute approximately 5 minutes of presentation time to the small-group presentation.

2: Portfolio weighted 50%
Portfolio (1500 words)
Students will write a portfolio of consisting of EITHER: 1) Two general audience pieces (in the style of an article in The Conversation), both of which relate a different Grand/Global Challenge to a lay audience OR 2) i) One general audience piece of roughly 750 words (in the style of an article in The Conversation) relating a Grand/Global Challenge to a lay audience, AND ii) A reflective diary of roughly 750 words, reflecting on TWO Grand/Global Challenges lectures (based upon the student's own reflections, and the class discussions from sessions held jointly with students enrolled on NAT-10001). The assessment length is 1500 words (excluding notes and bibliography), +/- 10%.