MAN-30037 - Managing Diversity
Coordinator: Deborah Kerfoot Room: DW1.13 Tel: +44 1782 7 33429
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733094

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations

Description for 2023/24

The concept and practice of managing diversity is highly significant for contemporary businesses - both large and small - and is gaining considerable momentum. The management of diversity is often regarded as a vital aspect of quality assurance and accreditation, for example. However, it is a concept which invites considerable debate among managers as well as academics.
While criticisms of the movement are many, other commentators see it as a necessary economic and social strategy set against a background of entrenched economic decline, globalisation of markets and successive waves of deregulation. For example, whilst many organisations see managing diversity as a means of tapping into broader global and consumer markets, governments promote the management of diversity as a means of ensuring that employers implement anti-discriminatory legislation. The module considers these (and others) as stakeholders in managing diversity and explores competing perspectives.
This module addresses these developments through studying the following topics: what does it mean to manage diversity in organisations?; work and caring; gendered concepts of work; the social construction of race; sexuality in organisations; issues of disability and age at work; implementing change. In addition to the the existing literature, course materials will utilise the lecturer's own research on diversity in organisations and this will be complemented by guest speakers where appropriate.

To strengthen student knowledge of management and organisations with specific reference to the management of diversity. The module emphasises a critical approach to the subject and encourages students' active participation in the learning process. Students will draw and reflect upon their experiences of organisations by means of group discussions.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

interpret and critically evaluate the significance of current developments in the management of workplace diversity;:
critically engage with the latest academic research and theoretical frameworks of work and organisation and their relationship to diversity issues;:
locate and critically interpret management strategies that promote workplace diversity in areas including gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, caring responsibilities;:
apply theoretical frameworks to a specific workplace case and appreciate their relative strengths and weaknesses;:
work critically and analytically on a piece of writing that will demonstrate appreciation and awareness of the central issues.:

Study hours

24 hours workshops
126 hours private study

School Rules

HRM 30030 and MAN 30037

Description of Module Assessment

1: Essay weighted 100%
Extended essay 4500 words
The essay will be on a topic selected in conjunction with the tutor. It will constitute an extended piece of analytic work including a literature review. It may be based upon case studies within the existing literature or on critical analysis of the student's own experience of a particular issue related to the module.