MAT-10063 - Investigations and Problem Solving
Coordinator: Michael Nieves Tel: +44 1782 7 34779
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733075

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module is designed to aid the transition from A Level Mathematics (or equivalent) to degree level mathematics.
At A Level, students are presented with highly structured questions having been taught the specific processes required to solve them. In this module, students will be presented with unfamiliar and less structured problems which may be open to several different approaches.
The module enhances students' employability skills through teamwork on several group projects.

The first aim of this module is to develop students' problem solving abilities that are essential to success in a single-honours mathematics degree, but that are not developed at Level 3. Specifically, students' ability to solve unfamiliar and less structured problems which may be open to several different approaches.
The second aim of this module is to develop students' employability skills in key areas such as presentations, working in a team and computer literacy, providing students with key elements of their journey through their degree programme.

Intended Learning Outcomes

create strategies to solve problems, presenting solutions to meet short deadlines: 1,2,3
communicate, in an appropriate form, mathematical results to a variety of audiences: 1,2,3
demonstrate their team working, communication and organisational skills: 1,2,3

Study hours

44 hours classes, including:
4 hours of lectures,
4 hours of tutorials
36 hours of computer-based activity in labs to facilitate group work
106 hours of private study, including
8 hours of individual learning
12 hours of practice group work
60 hours focused on group work required for assessments
26 hours of training in computer-based and collaborative skills required for group work

School Rules

A Level Mathematics (or equivalent)

Description of Module Assessment

1: Group Project weighted 20%
Group project 1
Group project, weighted at 20%, involving working as a group to solve and report on given mathematical problems; creating a typeset report with an appropriate style used from the presentation of mathematical documents, detailing the method of solution to a collection of abstract mathematical problems.

2: Group Project weighted 40%
Group project 2
Group project, weighted at 40%, involving working as a group to solve and report on a given mathematical problems; creating a poster and five-minute video presentation providing the overview of the poster.

3: Group Project weighted 40%
Group project 3
Group project, weighted at 40%, involving working as a group to solve and report on a given mathematical problem; ten-minute group presentation.