PCS-20023 - Population Health Research
Coordinator: Ross Wilkie Room: MSPC1.74 Tel: +44 1782 7 34845
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 733928

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This second year module will continue to develop research skills and knowledge gained in the first year. You will learn more about a range of research methods and perspectives that are used to study public health and critically appraise literature, which will be the focus of your written assessment. These skills will be useful in any career which requires an evidence base to support its work.

To develop knowledge and application of epidemiology, health information and research methods with the aim of improving population health and reducing health inequalities. This module builds on year 1 activities in the same area and works towards students having the ability to propose research projects, focused on improving population health.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Critically appraise identified literature relating to population health and health inequalities: 1
Evaluate the respective contributions of qualitative and quantitative methods in the development of research questions and population health research: 1
Explore the importance of research ethics and ethical approval processes in population health research: 1
Evaluate and apply health informatics to understand health inequalities: 2

Study hours

60 hours of scheduled learning/teaching hours, broken down as follows:
48 hours face to face teaching (30 hours lectures, 18 hours group work)
10 hours tutorial
2 hours library support
Independent study (Total 240 hours) broken down as follows:
140 hours for preparation for lectures, workshops and journal club and self-study following these events
20 hours on group work
80 hours for assessment work

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Assignment weighted 80%
A 3,000-word research proposal
Students will critically appraise identified literature, including the application of research methodology, and write a 3000-word research proposal for a project that aims to improve population health

2: Poster Presentation weighted 20%
Population health poster with a 10 minute presentation to their peers (including 5 minutes for discussion)
Students will select health information that identifies health inequalities in a local area. They will then use this information to develop a poster, designed for interpretation by the general population, that highlights this issue and the need for them to consider this issue to improve their health. The poster should focus on how this information is presented to a lay audience. Students will be required to demonstrate how they would communicate the relevant information through a poster and their ability to facilitate a discussion