PSY-10033 - Introduction to developmental and social psychology
Coordinator: Natalie Harrison
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733736

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module will allow you to explore a range of topics in developmental psychology, social psychology, and individual differences. You will learn about how psychologists have carried out research to better understand human behaviour and thought from expert staff with experience of working in these areas. Typical topics in developmental psychology could include how children's cognitive abilities develop including language and numerical development, as well as social and emotional development. Topics in social psychology may include social influence, self and identity, as well as the psychology of group processes. Across the topics covered, individual differences will be discussed alongside connections to other subdisciplines in psychology such as cognitive and biological psychology.
The teaching on this module will include interactive classroom taught sessions, which will introduce you to
the central theoretical concepts and research evidence, and equip you with the study skills you need to succeed within the module and throughout the rest of your studies at Keele. You will also engage with weekly structured activities provided to support your learning independently (asynchronous learning activities).

Students will be introduced to the core psychology curriculum relating to developmental psychology, social psychology, and individual differences. In addition to gaining foundational knowledge of these core topics, students will be encouraged to make links between different curricular areas and subdisciplines, and to reflect on how developmental psychology, social psychology, and the psychology of individual differences interact with biological psychology, cognitive psychology, and other perspectives. The historical development of the core topics will also be covered, with an emphasis on decolonisation. Alongside core theoretical and empirical knowledge, students will gain practice key study skills that are essential to success in an undergraduate degree. The module will cover the breadth of the BPS curriculum expectations for accreditation.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Reflect on the ways in which different perspectives in psychology can be integrated to give a holistic view of human thought and behaviour: 1,2

Study hours

Synchronous teaching session include:
-22 hours synchronous workshop/seminar taught sessions (11 weeks x 120 min sessions)
Asynchronous work:
-33 hours guided asynchronous structured activities to prepare for taught sessions
Independent study:
-30 hours presentation preparation
-32 hours SAQ assessment preparation
-33 hours reading

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Assignment weighted 60%
Short answer questions
Students will be required to answer 4 questions (in 250 words each) by utilising and evaluating relevant psychological research and theory from social, developmental, individual differences and/or related perspectives covered in the module. Students will submit all 4 answers together in one document (1000 words total) at the end of the module.

2: Video Tape weighted 40%
Individual Presentation
This will be an individual oral presentation that is submitted online. The presentation should be supported by a PowerPoint presentation file (or equivalent), which assesses understanding of a key issue in social psychology and/or developmental psychology. A set of key topics are to be presented to students and they may choose one key topic on which to develop a presentation. Students will be required to reflect on how different perspectives of psychology can be integrated can help address their selected key topic/issue. The presentation will be recorded by the student and submitted online.