PTY-10072 - Applied Practice in Coaching, Exercise and Fitness
Coordinator: Dean Burt
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

Applied Practice in Coaching, Exercise and Fitness will equip students with the skills and knowledge to apply exercise principles to a healthy population. Offering a blended learning approach that will encompass external body qualifications and exercise application skills, using appropriate communication language and prescription skills for use in a public setting.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Deliver a safe and effective exercise programme, in line with external body guidelines: 1
Competently perform exercise instruction and prescription encompassing warm up, strength training, aerobic endurance, flexibility and cool down: 1
Identify and apply pre exercise screening and health and fitness assessments: 2
Demonstrate the application of safe and competent handling skills appropriate to the level of study: 1,2
Develop interpersonal communication and coaching skills: 1

Study hours

60 hours of practical teaching to included delivery of external body exercise awards, learning to be completed via lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.
90 Hours of independent study completed via:
~ 20 hours development of assessment,
~ 20 hours directed study and
~ 50 hours self directed study.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Practical Assessment weighted 80%
A 20 minute practical exam assessment
A 20 minute randomly allocated interactive practical to assess knowledge of application of relevant skill sets to apply principles of exercise and take appropriate measures.

2: Workbook weighted 20%
Data collection and interpretation (500 words)
Throughout the module students will collect health and fitness data from themselves and will enter this into a workbook weekly. Working in small groups, students will share their data anonymously with their group. The data will linked to their external qualification and teaching, and thus a part of the tasks required to pass, and will be linked to exercise tests students perform as part of the exercise/ fitness qualification. Should a student be unable to collect a data set, they will be provided with example data by teaching staff. Students will given weekly tutorials on how to interpret the information which they will submit at the end of the module