PTY-20055 - Practice in Specific Populations (MSci)
Coordinator: Eleanor Latham
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module aims to:
Explore the contribution of physiotherapy in the management of specific populations, within the context of health and social care.
Enable students to transfer knowledge and skills in assessment and therapeutic management to specific populations.

Intended Learning Outcomes

use underpinning knowledge to explain the pathophysiology and clinical features of specific populations/conditions
: 1
demonstrate safe and effective physiotherapeutic assessment, treatment and handling skills for specific populations/conditions
: 1
select and adapt appropriate therapeutic intervention and management to specific populations/conditions: 1
discuss the therapeutic effects of physiotherapy interventions in specific populations/conditions using clinical reasoning appropriate to the specific population/patient's condition: 1
distinguish between the differing health and social care context in which identified specific populations/conditions may be managed: 1

Study hours

41 tutor led hours which include:
~ 35 hours lectures,
~ 4 hours workshops and tutorials and
~ 2 hour assessment preparation.
109 hours independent study includes:
~ 9 hours guided study and asynchronous content
~ 98 hours student led independent study
~ 2 hours of guided assessment preparation.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Oral Exam weighted 100%
Thirty minute oral seen examination
A thirty minute oral examination. The examination will explore element/s of physiotherapy management of a chosen case