PTY-30055 - Practice Experience 3a
Coordinator: Megan Pinches
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 194
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

Practice Experience 3a builds on the content covered earlier in the Physiotherapy programme and enables the student to further develop and apply their knowledge and skills in a placement setting.
The module aims to prepare the student to work in diverse healthcare settings whilst also develop transferable skills (i.e. multidisciplinary team working, leadership and advance communication) that can be applied in a variety of healthcare settings and specialities.

1. To enable the student to develop and critically reflect upon their personal development and learning needs.
2. To provide the student with an opportunity to adapt and critically reflect on their interpersonal skills in a placement setting.
3. With the support of practice educators, the student will develop and justify physiotherapy knowledge, decision-making and implementation abilities in a placement setting.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Take responsibility for own personal learning needs, critically reflect on behaviour and learning accordingly, and use a variety of appropriate learning and development resources and feedback mechanisms: 1
Demonstrate the use of a wide range of appropriate communication & leadership skills; critically analysing and modifying these to suit the needs of service users, carers, colleagues and the placement setting: 1
Demonstrate a critical awareness and understanding of the impact of health inequalities within the placement setting and promote a sense of inclusion and belonging.: 1
Gather, analyse & critically reflect on information from a wide range of sources and apply evidence-based practice to reason and evaluate and justify appropriate interventions: 1
Demonstrate and critically reflect on a range of approaches & formats in recording information and utilising digital technology: 1
Adhere to legislation, local policy, CSP Code of Professional Values & Behaviour and the HCPC Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics: 1

Study hours

~ 2 hours lectures
~ 4 hours practicals/workshops/tutorials
~ 187.5 hours placement learning

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Placement weighted 100%
Criterion Referenced Assessment
The student's knowledge, skills and professional behaviour on Practice Experience 3a is assessed using a criterion referenced form.