PTY-30058 - Evaluating Healthcare Services
Coordinator: Elizabeth Rutley
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module aims to:
- Introduce the student to methods used to evaluate current healthcare practice/services.
- Develop the skills required to evaluate and report on the efficiency or efficacy of health service provision.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Justify the appropriateness of a specific research design approach in order to address a specific service evaluation need: 1,2
Manage, manipulate, analyse and present data from a service evaluation in a coherent and appropriate manner: 1,2
Synthesise findings and convey rationales for service evaluations in a concise written report: 1,2
Discern and coherently articulate appropriate recommendations for clinical practice in the written form: 1,2

Study hours

~30 tutor led hours which include lectures, workshops, seminars, tutorials and assessment preparation.
Independent study hours comprising:
~ 5 hours of asynchronous teaching
~ 20 hours of guided study
~ 95 hours of independent study, assessment preparation and writing.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Report weighted 50%
A service evaluation report 1000 (words)
Students will submit two service evaluation reports, (each of 1000 words). One produced from simulated quantitative data (provided by the tutor), the second from simulated qualitative data (provided by the tutor).

2: Report weighted 50%
A service evaluation report
Students will submit two service evaluation reports, (each of 1000 words). One produced from simulated quantitative data (provided by the tutor), the second from simulated qualitative data (provided by the tutor).