VET-30007 - Veterinary Public Health and State Veterinary Medicine
Coordinator: Philip Robinson
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 20
Study Hours: 200
School Office: 01782 733928

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective





VET-10005 Animal Management for Health
VET-20003 Animal Health Sciences
VET-20005 Veterinary Epidemiology and Population Medicine

Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This module in the third year of the BVetMS programme will demonstrate to students the vital role that veterinarians play in the protection of both animals and public health, and their role in the protection of national and international animal health.
This module addresses the following RCVS competences:
6 - Apply the RCVS Ten Principles of Certification.
13 - Demonstrate ability to manage in situations where information is incomplete, deal with contingencies, and adapt to change.
38 - Recognise suspicious signs of possible notifiable, reportable and zoonotic diseases and take appropriate action, including notifying the relevant authorities.
41 - Advise stakeholders on practices that promote animal welfare
42 - Perform ante-mortem inspection of animals destined for the food-chain, including paying attention to welfare aspects; correctly identify conditions affecting the quality and safety of products of animal origin, to exclude those animals whose condition means their products are unsuitable for the food-chain.
43 - Advise on, and implement, preventative programmes appropriate to the species and in line with accepted animal health, welfare and public health and environmental standards.
44 - Promote the health and safety of people and the environment.
45 - Understand the principles and practice of the application of veterinary science to ensure food safety standards throughout the production chain, including performance of post-mortem inspection of food producing animals.

The aims of this module are to ensure students:

Understand the societal role of veterinarians and the State in protecting public health within a One Health framework;

Have a thorough working knowledge of how the State protects and promotes animal health and welfare through enzootic and epizootic disease control and protecting its borders from incursions of epizootic disease through certification and surveillance;

Understand the legal and operational aspects of the role of the Official Veterinarian and veterinarians in industry with respect to food animal slaughter, processing, quality and hygiene.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Recognise the signs of notifiable, reportable and zoonotic diseases in production, companion and wild animals, and recommend appropriate action in response to suspicion or confirmation of disease: 1,2
Describe ante-mortem and post mortem inspection of animals destined for the food chain and identifying conditions affecting quality and safety of products of animal origin to exclude animals that are unsuitable for the food chain: 2
Discuss food hygiene, quality, processing and technology in relation to the main animal-derived products for human consumption: 2
Apply the principles of certification and trade standards pertinent to trade in animals and animal products, and explain the significance of trade in relation to national and international governance of biosecurity and disease control: 1,2
Explain the role of the vet in the regulation and stewardship of veterinary medicines within the wider context of global challenges: 2
Explain the role of vet in promoting and protecting animal welfare across the species: 1,2

Study hours

Lectures - 37 hours
Guided Online Learning - 33 hours
Practical classes - 3 hours
Independent Learning - 127 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Assignment weighted 40%
State Veterinary Report
Students are to construct a comprehensive report providing recommendations to a state body or government in relation to the welfare considerations, relevant legislation and certification requirements related to a given public health scenario

2: Exam weighted 60%
Written Exam
One in-situ, closed book, fixed-time examination comprising two sections: Section A: Multiple choice questions and single-best answer (SBA) multiple choice questions (45 minutes) Section B: Linked short-answer questions based on depicted scenarios or images around themes (75 minutes)