Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The Independent Research Project or Dissertation is a negotiated piece of work of 8,000 words in length. There is no fixed prescription for this module. However, projects will be on an educational topic (broadly-defined). They will include explict discussion of theoretical frameworks, methods involved in the collection of data, and matters of analysis and interpretation.
To enable students to work independently, but with the support of a supervisor to produce a significant piece of research in a defined area at the forefront of educational studies.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Recognise, interpret and evaluate theories, concepts, research evidence and policy in a defined area at the forefront of educational studies: 1
Apply established theories and methods of inquiry to understanding and resolving new and unfamiliar problems in areas of current research activity: 1
Assess the ethical issues that may arise in relation to educational research : 1
Describe and make critical judgements about developments in areas of research and policy in education: 1
Identify possible directions in which further empirical research and theoretical development might take place in areas of Educational studies : 1
Identify and apply key priniciples across educational environments and contexts
: 1
Design, undertake and evaluate an extended piece of research with due regard for the ethical issues posed by such research: 1
12 hours preparatory workshops (approx. every other week)
4 hours of one-to-one supervision
50 hours of preparation for draft chapters (x2 formative feedback provided)
234 hours of independent study to include; background reading, scoping the literature, research design, ethical application (where appropriate), literature review, methodology chapter/section (as appropriate), data collection (where appropriate), analysis of data, interpretation of and writing up of findings, report write-up, and additional supervisory contact time.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Dissertation weighted 100%Extended written report of research 8,000 words