BSL-90001 - British Sign Language 1
Coordinator: Andrew Rowe
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733960

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective





This module is for students who do not have any previous experience in BSL. Language Centre approval required.

Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

BSL is the preferred language of nearly 90,000 people in the UK and is used by over 150,000. It has been recognized as an official minority language by the government since 2003. Knowledge of BSL is extremely useful in various careers, including education, health, and social services, and it is also a rewarding skill to learn.
This module is designed for students with no previous experience of British Sign Language (BSL), and who wish to gain basic BSL skills and deaf awareness.
Students taking BSL at Keele, can work towards taking the external Signature qualification (the leading award body for Deaf communication qualifications in the UK).

This module aims to give students an understanding of the principles of British Sign Language (BSL), and the ability to use and understand basic BSL.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Understand and use a limited range of simple words and sentences in BSL: 2,3
Fingerspell in BSL: 3
Understand the basic principles of BSL: 2,3
Demonstrate an awareness of the deaf community and culture, communication aids and BSL language structure: 1,2,3

Study hours

22 hours contact teaching.
40 hours assessment preparation and completion.
88 hours guided independent study.

School Rules

Admission to the module must be confirmed through completion of a language level self-assessment form.
Students can only take one BSL module per semester.
Students can only take one absolute beginners, language module 90001, in any one academic year.

Description of Module Assessment

1: Essay weighted 20%
Learner Journal
Learner Journal of approximately 800 words. Students will be required to reflect on specific aspects of deaf culture in the UK and write a contrastive language analysis.

2: Competence weighted 30%
Receptive task
Receptive task: students will watch a video clip played and signed in BSL, they will be able to take notes, and then they will have to answer several multiple-choice questions related to the video.

3: Viva weighted 50%
Oral exam in receptive and productive skills.
Students will complete a 3-5 minute productive and receptive task, a one-to-one conversation signed in BSL.