Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25
Global Challenge Pathway Global Challenge Pathway (Level 4)
Global Challenge Pathway Global Challenge Pathway (Level 5)
Global Challenge Pathway Global Challenge Pathway (Level 5)
Global Challenge Pathway Global Challenge Pathway (Level 6)
Global Challenge Pathway Global Challenge Pathway (Level 6)
Available as a Free Standing Elective
BSL is the preferred language of nearly 90,000 people in the UK and is used by over 150,000. It has been recognized as an official minority language by the government since 2003. Knowledge of BSL is extremely useful in various careers, including education, health, and social services, and it is also a rewarding skill to learn.
This course is designed for students with prior knowledge of BSL (BSL4 or equivalent). It will develop communications skills in BSL in every day situations as well as more formal environments.
Students taking BSL at Keele, can work towards taking the external Signature qualification (the leading award body for Deaf communication qualifications in the UK).
This module aims to develop communication in BSL about real life, routine, experiences, and it is designed for those who already have some competence in BSL. Students will participate in longer and more varied conversations in BSL and will have the opportunity to further develop their receptive and productive skills in BSL. Some regional variations in BSL will be introduced.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Recognise and analyse varied BSL in a range of every day, work, and social situations.: 2,3
Use and apply varied BSL in a range of every day, work, and social situation.: 3
Identify and demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the structure and function of BSL.: 1,2,3
Recognize some regional variations in BSL.: 2,3
Assess and apply an advanced understanding of the Deaf Community and Deaf Culture.: 1,3
22 hours contact teaching.
40 hours assessment preparation and completion.
88 hours guided independent study.
Admission to the module must be confirmed through completion of a language level self-assessment form
Students can only take one BSL module per semester.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Essay weighted 20%Learner Journal
2: Competence weighted 30%Receptive Task
3: Viva weighted 50%Oral Exam in receptive and productive skills.