FSC-30025 - Forensic Science Research Project (15 credit)
Coordinator: Christopher Aris
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 734921

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

The aim of this module is to allow forensic science students to undertake an individual research project. This will enable the student to design an appropriate experiment to test a scientific hypothesis. During this module, they will gain experience in research design, ethical appraisal, data collection and analysis, and science communication in both written and oral form.

Intended Learning Outcomes

plan and initiate a programme of practical work into a clearly defined area of the proposed forensic project: 1
communicate verbally the project aims, key literature findings, and plans for practical work: 1,2,3
carry out a planned programme of investigative laboratory work, continually analysing the data obtained, enabling informed decisions to be made: 2
communicate verbally the results obtained and offer interpretation. Summarise the key findings: 2,3
produce an individual project report outlining the project background, individual results and interpretation, group results and their relevance, a critical evaluation of findings overall, and conclusion: 2
identify the need for an ethical appraisal of any work in forensic science and this project in particular and the process for obtaining ethical approval: 1
critically appraise information of relevance to the project (general) and specific area (individual) obtained from a variety of sources: 1,2,3

Study hours

Induction (3h)
Laboratory work and data analysis (57h)
Progress meetings (8h)
Cross-examination sessions (2h)
Literature research and private study (30h)
Report writing (50h)

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Research Proposal weighted 15%
Project proposal
Written project proposal detailing the rationale, plan, ethical appraisal, risk assessment, and methods of the main research project. This will include all completed ethics, risk assessment, and COSHH (where appropriate) forms. Due in week 6 of semester 1, this assessment will allow students to fully prepare their projects before conducting them (equivalent to 1000 words).

2: Report weighted 70%
Written research report
An individual report write-up of research project equivalent to 3000 words, including submission of ethics form and risk assessments (previously included in project proposal), and laboratory book (lab notes) for the project.

3: Oral Presentation weighted 15%
Poster presentation
Presentation of research via conference style A0 summary poster. Around 10 minutes is allowed per student to present and posters to be equivalent to 1000 words.