Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Research Skills in the Humanities is an interdisciplinary postgraduate module to train PGT and PGR students in active research skills, including research ethics, bibliographic and information skills, writing for different audiences, academic practice, writing for different audiences, structuring larger research projects, and more!
Research Skills in the Humanities is designed for new research students, and is intended to serve as an introduction to the central aspects of the process of academic research and to provide training in technical skills to assist you in developing and managing your research. It is also a forum in which research students from across the Humanities (and the University) can meet and share their experiences.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
become familiar with the relevant university regulations and procedures for management of a research degree as well as be able to identify any issues of research ethics affecting their wor: 1,2learn how to use real-world and digital archives and be creative in looking for primary sources: 1,2learn the differences between popular press dissemination of their research and academic forms and modes: 1,2learn techniques for time and stress management as well as managing large research projects: 1,2learn the importance and relevance of emergent methodologies in the Humanities: 2
There will be one two-hour-long seminar per week, for ten weeks.Students will be expected to do preparation (including reading and preparing answers to specific questions in advance) for each week.5 hours preparation for each class = 50 hours20 hours researching and writing assessment one60 hours research and writing assessment two (approx).
Description of Module Assessment
1: Project weighted 50%c. 1000 word account of dissertation topic - project outline
2: Essay weighted 50%c. 2000 word Research Essay