LSC-40029 - Biomedical Ethics and Grant Proposal
Coordinator: Glenn Hussey Room: HUX102A Tel: +44 1782 7 33880
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 734414

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

Identification and frank evaluation of ethical issues are essential key aspects of any professional or researcher working within Biomedical Science. However, these concerns are often over looked or trivialised by students or young professionals. This module introduces some of the cornerstones to be considered when taking a systematic approach to ethical challenges. Students will work together to discuss real case studies in order to fully appreciate the potential impact ethics can have on patients, health workers and researchers alike.
Throughout this module Biomedical Science students are encouraged to take personal responsibility for their learning as they begin to explore their own area of personal interest within the field. All students will gain vital professional and employability skills as they are guided into sharing best practice and encouraged to think about new and innovative approaches to existing scientific problems.
Finally, this module concludes with a thorough analysis of the grant application process, thereby equipping students with the essential skills often required at the very outset of new research or project opportunities.

To highlight the absolute requirement for a systemic approach to tackling ethical issues within Biomedical Science and to begin to learn how to manage scientific projects effectively beginning with the application and completion of grant proposals. Students will also learn how to independently conduct literature reviews in defined areas, and are guided to think about new, innovative areas of research within this field.

Intended Learning Outcomes

identify and apply a systematic approach to the resolution of ethical concerns in current Biomedical Science problems: 1,2,3
integrate knowledge of complex scientific problems with a personal understanding of ethical and communicative concerns to assess potential implications for patients and health care professionals: 2,3
critically evaluate scientific literature to assess current practice within biomedical science disciplines: 1,2,3
use scientific research principles to develop new lines of scientific questioning: 1,3
conduct a literature review in a self-chosen area of interest: 1,2
communicate personal findings and conclusions to others using verbal presentations and written documents, fully appreciating the specific needs of your target audience: 1,2,3
design a grant proposal that demonstrates innovation and originality within Biomedical Sciences through the application and procurement of new knowledge: 3
critically discuss current issues and trends within Biomedical Science: 1,2,3

Study hours

8x 2 hours workshops/tutorials
3 hours student presentations
11 hours wider reading
60 hours to complete literature review
20 hours to prepare the oral presentation
40 hours to complete the grant proposal

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Literature Review weighted 50%
3000 word literature review
Each student is expected to formulate their own title for this piece of work which must be officially approved by the module manager.

2: Oral Presentation weighted 20%
20 minute oral presentation
Students are expected to present a summary of their literature review to the rest of the class. Student peer review will account for 50% of the marks for this assignment.

3: Assignment weighted 30%
1000 word grant proposal
Each student will design a new area of study within their chosen field and write a grant application for this new project. Particular emphasis should be placed on clarifying any ethical issues that may arise. Marks will be awarded for innovation, a systemic approach to ethical concerns, grant application design and ability to communicate to a targeted audience (those awarding the grant).