LSC-40030 - Project Management and Business Planning
Coordinator: Rebecca Harrison Room: HUX202 Tel: +44 1782 7 33056
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 734414

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

Excellent business planning twinned with a critical understanding of the finer details of project management are essential to any professional wishing to take responsibility for new work, be that in a pure research environment or within the industrial or health sector. Indeed, Clinical Scientists and Senior Biomedical Scientists are increasingly under pressure to develop, organise and manage new and innovative projects. This module is designed to guide students through these processes and equip them with the skills needed to make a difference within their specialist area.
Generic topics to be covered include a review of: human resources; qualities expected of team leaders and effective leadership; time management and task allocation; project costings and business planning; lean management; conflict resolution; managing change and quality assurance including quality indicators such as QUIPP and QOF. Students are also given the flexibility to select their own area of study within Biomedical Science in order to deepen their specialist knowledge and to apply the basic principles of project management and business planning to support development of their own innovative area of study within their chosen specialism.

To further develop and encourage independent student learning within the arena of Biomedical Science. To appreciate, evaluate and acquire the skills needed to instigate and coordinate new projects within professional practice with major emphasis on project management and business planning.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Develop a systematic approach to and understanding of project and resource management: 3
Integrate knowledge of complex scientific problems with a personal understanding of project management and business planning to assess potential implications for patients and health care professionals: 3
Critically evaluate scientific literature to assess current practise within Biomedical Science: 1,2
Use scientific research principles to develop new lines of scientific questioning: 1,2
Conduct a literature review in a self-chosen area of interest: 1
Communicate personal findings and conclusions to others using verbal presentations and written documents, fully appreciating the specific needs of your target audience: 1,2
Demonstrate innovation and originality within Biomedical Science and the application and procurement of new knowledge: 2
Develop a new line of questioning within a specialist field and design a detailed business plan to support this venture: 3
Develop a critical awareness of current issues and trends within Biomedical Science: 1,2

Study hours

Scheduled teaching
14 hours scheduled learning/teaching hours (7 x 2hr in-situ seminars)
3 hours student presentations
21 hours (7x3 hrs) structured engagement with asynchronous resources including exploring the directed reading and additional resources
Independent study
53 hours literature review
22 hours presentation preparation
37 hours business plan preparation

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Literature Review weighted 50%
3000 word literature review
Each student is expected to formulate their own title for this piece of work which must be officially approved by the module manager.

2: Oral Presentation weighted 20%
20 minute oral presentation
Students are expected to present a summary of their literature review to the rest of the class. Student peer review will account for 50% of the marks for this assignment.

3: Assignment weighted 30%
1000 word business case
Each student will develop a new area of study within their chosen field and design a full business plan to support this new avenue. Particular emphasis should be placed on costings and overall project management. Marks are awarded for innovation, accurate costings, systemic approach to project and resource management and ability to communicate to a targeted audience (potential employers or funding bodies supporting the theoretical project).