LSC-40038 - Research Methodologies
Coordinator: Daniel Tonge Tel: +44 1782 7 33418
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 734414

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

The module aims to give students a comprehensive knowledge of some of the modern techniques being used to advance knowledge in the field of Biomedical Science. In seminars given by members of the research staff, students will be introduced to a range of techniques, which may include: molecular genetics techniques; cell imaging techniques and proteomics/glycomics techniques. They will then explore some of the research questions currently being addressed using these techniques in journal club sessions. At each journal club session, several students will present an oral critique of a research paper relevant to their areas of specialism. By critically evaluating such research they will gain an appreciation of the importance of good experimental design and interpretation of data. This module is not just about gaining knowledge, it is about developing key skills such as written and oral presentation skills, personal reflection, searching scientific literature, understanding the different types of scientific literature and being able to critically evaluate other people's research.

The module aims to give students a comprehensive knowledge of some of the modern techniques being used to advance knowledge in the field of Biomedical Science. It will also develop a number of essential key skills, such as critical evaluation, written and oral presentations and reflective analysis. By critically evaluating research publications relevant to their specialist areas, students will explore some of the research questions currently being addressed using these techniques and gain an appreciation of the importance of good experimental design and interpretation of data.

Intended Learning Outcomes

discuss a range of techniques applicable to research and justify how these are used to create and interpret knowledge: 1,2
reflect on their own learning and participation: 3
evaluate complex scientific data: 1,2
critically evaluate current research and show an appreciation of the importance of good experimental design: 1,2

Study hours

Scheduled Journal Clubs - 12 hours (3 hours x 4 clubs)
Peer assessment activities 8 hours
Tutorials 8 hours narrated material
Seminar attendance 8 hours
Tutorial independent study / preparation 18 hours (4 hours per tutorial + 1hr each for intro sessions)
Journal club preparation 4 hours per week = 16 hours
Preparation of journal club presentation 20 hours
Completion of assessment 60 hours

School Rules

Students who have completed either IBMS Specialist portfolio or IBMS Specialist diploma will be exempt from this module. This still stands (2023 - DT)

Description of Module Assessment

1: Oral Presentation weighted 40%
Journal club presentation
Students present a critical evaluation of a journal article to a group of their peers. The oral presentation will be peer reviewed, with the mark awarded based on the average of the staff/peer mark. The presentation will last for 20 minutes, including questions from the audience. Note: this presentation will focus upon the methodological approach used in the students chosen paper.

2: Publication Based Paper weighted 40%
Written commentary on journal club presentation (CRITIQUE)
Students produce a 2500 word critical commentary on the paper that they have presented in the journal club.

3: Reflective Diary weighted 20%
Reflective Writing (750 words)
Students will produce a reflective diary (750 words) charting their participation and progress throughout the module.