LSC-40083 - Infectious Disease (blended)
Coordinator: Rebecca Harrison Room: HUX202 Tel: +44 1782 7 33056
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 734414

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This module aims to develop and enhance students' understanding of the prevention, treatment and control of infectious diseases.
They will develop key analytical skills relating to the assessment, investigation and evaluation of infection prevention programmes, outbreak investigations and treatment options.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Evaluate the role of epidemiology in the investigation and prediction of communicable disease outbreaks: 1,2,3,4,5
Critically assess the use and stewardship of antimicrobial therapy and alternatives: 1,2,3,5
Appraise the current published guidance to disease outbreak management on a local and global scale and relate that to current research and publications: 1,2,3,5
Explain the requirement of a multi-disciplinary approach to clinical outcomes of communicable disease: 1,2,3,5
Critically assess scientific publications, test methodologies and clinical guidelines regarding the treatment and prevention of communicable disease: 1,2,3,5
Evaluate the current and proposed reduction and eradication programmes to tackle infectious disease: 1,2,3,5
Incorporate data science and bioinformatics into the investigation of infectious diseases: 1,2,3,4,5

Study hours

Scheduled study hours:
1 x 1hr introduction session
1 x 1hr assessment session
8 x 1 hour online sessions including supporting tutorials aligned with asynchronous topics, case-based learning sessions and student presentations
8 x 8hr engagement with weekly asynchronous content including note-taking, further reading and research on the topic
Optional Residential hours:
5 x 3 hours of activities, which may include meetings with the programme team and practical, academic and professional skills sessions
Independent Study Hours:
3 x 2 hr online tasks
3 x 40 hrs revision for online tasks
65 hrs lab report writing
35 hrs preparation for group presentation

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Online Tasks weighted 20%
Online test 1 (2-hour active working in a 28-hour assessment window)
Test will take place during the semester. Question will be released via the KLE and students will be given 28 hours to submit, with an active working time of 2-hours. Answers should be approximately 500-750 words.

2: Open Book Examination weighted 20%
Online test 2 (2-hour active working in a 28-hour assessment window)
Test will take place during the semester. Question will be released via the KLE and students will be given 28 hours to submit, with an active working time of 2-hours. Answers should be approximately 500-750 words.

3: Group Presentation weighted 10%
Student group presentation
Students will present on a given topic within the field of Infectious diseases. The presentations will be in small groups (2-3) in the latter half of the module (weeks 8-12), the week will be dependent upon which group the students are allocated to. The presentation will be a maximum of 20 minutes with 5 minutes to answer any questions. The presentation will be assessed by a 50:50 combination of the tutor's mark and an average of the student audience's mark. Any student mark that is greater than 10% from the tutor's mark will not be considered in the calculation.

4: Laboratory Report weighted 30%
Lab report component
In this module, students will be asked to complete the 'results' section part of a lab report. Students will be given a choice of data sets. The word limit will be 1,500 excluding tables and figures.

5: Online Tasks weighted 20%
Online test 3 (2-hour active working in a 28-hour assessment window)
Test will take place during the semester 2 exam period. Question will be released via the KLE and students will be given 28 hours to submit, with an active working time of 2-hours. Answers should be approximately 500-750 words.