LSC-40125 - Biodiversity Skills
Coordinator: Ellie Harrison Room: 174
Lecture Time:
Level: Level 7
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 734414

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This module will allow you to gain essential skills in understanding and applying biodiversity assessment methods and field survey techniques. It also aims to allow you to develop specialist taxonomy skills and encourages links with local and national experts and recording groups to develop your professional networks. Through tutorials, you will also explore how to undertake a literature review on survey methods, critique approaches and develop a biodiversity assessment plan for a site. You will undertake independent field work, visiting sites to undertake assessment and biodiversity surveys. You will be encouraged to link with recording groups and identify support in developing taxonomic skills through links with internal and external experts. Identification skills will be developed through laboratory or fieldwork. A level of proficiency in ecological data analysis will also be obtained during the module.

1) Develop research and field techniques for assessing biodiversity.
2) Develop specialist skills in the identification of a selected taxon to species level (i.e. amphibians or invertebrates).

Intended Learning Outcomes

analyse and critically evaluate the context, methodology and results of primary scientific literature and secondary data sources.: 1
undertake and evaluate a range of selected biodiversity surveying fieldwork techniques.: 1,2
communicate clearly and effectively in written form taxonomic understanding of a taxonomic group using appropriate scientific language and terminology.: 1,2
apply an advanced level of applied ecological skills, statistical analyses and practical techniques to survey data for site and species conservation methods.: 1,3

Study hours

Lectures: 32 hours
Tutorials: 30 hours
Practicals/lab work: 38 hours
Field visits: 58 hours
Preparation for field visits/lab work: 6 hours
Preparation for lectures/ tutorials: 10 hours
Report preparation: 24 hours
Preparation for lab book: 18 hours
Preparation for class test: 12 hours
Wider reading: 72 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment