MAN-10047 - Sports Event Planning
Coordinator: Matthew Hutchinson Room: N/A
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733094

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This module allows you to learn about the processes that are involved in the planning of a sports event. As part of this, you will learn about the various elements that contribute to a successful event alongside the type of events that are available from large scale mega events, to smaller community sports events or an esports event to a charity football tournament. This will allow you to experience the planning process and apply and consider wider academic knowledge in this field.

This module aims to provide students with the theoretical knowledge, skills and applied experience of planning a sports event.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Research and critique existing commercial knowledge on the sports events industry to identify opportunities, threats and challenges.: 1
Prepare and plan a sports event in groups, using the skills and knowledge developed.: 2
Apply theoretical and empirical evidence and knowledge to the sports event planning process.: 2

Study hours

Lectures: 12 hours
Seminars: 12 hours
Lecture/seminar prep: 24 hours
Assessment preparation: 52 hours
Private study: 50 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Portfolio weighted 30%
A Digital Research Portfolio of 1000 words
Individually, students will be required to create a digital portfolio, using Padlet, which researches the gap their sport event is working within. Students should structure their portfolio as: Event Business Challenges Event Business Trends Event Business Opportunities Event Business Idea Students have the opportunity to either use an inductive or deductive approach; either have an idea and justify it or use the research to create an idea. Examples will be provided.

2: Group Presentation weighted 70%
10 minute group presentation on a sports event plan
Students, in small groups, will plan, prepare and present a sports event of their choice in groups. This could be a charity event or tournament, virtual or in person, however it should be sports related. The planning should be considered with, and applied to, the wider sports event literature. Students should also make reference to assessment 1 and the feedback received. Part of the assessment grade will be calculated by peer assessment, which will be built into the assessment criteria.