MDS-10037 - Social Media Content Creation
Coordinator: Rachel Wood
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This module will introduce you to creating content for social media. You will work as a team to respond creatively to an industry brief and devise content that will connect with audiences. You will be encouraged to experiment with different communication formats used on social media including video, audio, photography, and text. You will also be introduced to professional practices and standards and develop skills in creative decision making, while developing an understanding of critical frameworks through which to understand platforms, content, and audiences.

The module aims to introduce students to the practice and process of social media content creation. It aims to give students an overview of the process, from generating ideas and strategy, to researching audiences, planning and producing digital content, and measuring impact.
Students will be introduced to technical and creative skills across communication formats (photo, text, video, etc.), and start to develop key skills in group work, creative decision making, and time management. They will also be introduced to key academic frameworks that will give them a critical understanding of platforms, content, and audiences.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate critical awareness of professional practice in the field of social media content creation.: 1,2
Work as part of a group to create social media content in a selected digital format.: 1,2
Develop and practice communication techniques in a selected digital format.: 2
Critically reflect on and evaluate their creative decision making, with reference to relevant academic frameworks and ideas.: 2

Study hours

36 hours of lectures, workshops and group supervision.
40 hours of tasks and preparation for taught sessions.
10 hours of group meetings to discuss project development.
64 hours of practical work in the production of assessed final project material.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Group Presentation weighted 30%
Group pitch presentation
In groups of approximately 4-6, students will pitch their social media content plan in response to an industry style brief. The pitch should explain and justify how and why the proposed content strategy fits the brief, and set out a clear and viable plan for designing and creating the content. Pitch presentations will last ten minutes. Students should create a 'pitch deck' of 5-7 slides and submit this to Turnitin. Although this is a group project, students will be marked individually.

2: Group Project weighted 70%
Group content portfolio
As a group of approximately 4-6, students will submit a final portfolio comprising: - An outline of the approach to the brief (500 words) - Examples of social media content created for selected platforms. - A reflective evaluation of the creative process and group project management (500 words).