Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25
Available as a Free Standing Elective
Successful completion of MED-10008
The course comprises 3 phases: Phase 1: year 1-2, Phase 2: year 3-4 , Phase 3: year 5. This module (year 2) forms the second part of Phase 1. There is an emphasis on building on the fundamentals of biomedical, behavioural and social sciences and some basic clinical skills learnt in year 1. You will have a programme of activities and half day placements across both primary care, secondary care and third sector providers. Included in these placements will be a longitudinal GP placement where you will build up your consultation skills with personal support from a GP tutor.
There is an emphasis on the foundations of biomedical, behavioural and social science knowledge and scholarship skills,
embedded in a framework of clinical placements and basic clinical skills.
Intended Learning Outcomes
List of ILOs: 1,2,5
Indicative breakdown:
Lectures (in situ) 94 hours
Lectures (synchronous online) 4 hours
Lectures (asynchronous online) 12 hours
Seminars/workshops 25 hours
Problem-Based Learning 66 hours
Anatomy 40 hours
Laboratory Sessions 37 hours
Skill Sessions 48 hours
Student selected components 21 hours
Placements 76 hours
Independent Learning 777 hours. Students will be expected to engage in self-directed and PBL ILO-led learning, integrating materials from lectures, workshops, practical and anatomy classes. This review should be conducted, in part, with peers. Students will also prepare for teaching activities, eg pre-read activities. This time also includes revision preparation for upcoming assessments as well as engagement with in course assessments.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Exam weighted 65%Written Knowledge (cumulative testing in November, January and May/June)
The assessment will be split into three assessment points across the year with a final cumulative mark for the year. The assessment will comprise Single Best Answer questions (SBA) and short answers questions delivered online in an invigilated PC lab setting.
There are 275 marks of Single Best Answer and 75 marks of Short Answer - blueprinted against units of delivery across the year as well as subject themes in the curriculum. The pass mark is determined using a modified Cohen standard setting approach (here it is 65% of the score on the 90th centile plus one SEM)
2: Objective Structured Skills & Clinical Examination weighted 25%Practical assessments - objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)
Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE):
Students ability to safely and effectively conduct clinically relevant, practically based tasks will be assessed using OSCEs. OSCEs are used extensively across undergraduate and postgraduate medical training and present all candidates with the same task, marked by expert examiners using a structured marking scheme. OSCE are scheduled to be delivered in the January (4 stations) and June (8 stations) assessment windows.
To be satisfactory students need to pass 8 or more stations AND the sum of their stations scores needs to be greater than the sum of the station pass scores plus one Standard Error of Measurement. This double threshold is the same used in national level Clinical and Professional Skills Assessments (CPSA) as part of the Medical Licencing Assessment (MLA)
3: Portfolio weighted 6%Community Placement Programme (Portfolio)
In year 2, Students are assigned to a local community organisation that provides health or social care. At the end of their placement write a placement summary (500 words), short reflective summaries (two each of 500 words) based on their placement experiences and provide logs of activities.
4: Assignment weighted 4%Community Placements Programme (Poster presentation)
Students are assigned to a local community organisation that provides health or social care. For this part of the assessment, students prepare a poster that describes an aspect of the services provided by this organisation. The students then give a 5 min oral presentation on the services provided and their motivation for the design of their poster (eg to support recruitment of volunteers, advertise services to users etc) and answer questions from the audience on their placement and/or poster design. Two staff mark the work using a standard proforma.
The automatic extension is available for handing in the poster. There is no automatic extension for the presentation of the poster - and attendance is required for the presentation.
5: Portfolio weighted 0%Appraisal
Students meet twice with their Professional Development Tutor. The first is an introduction meeting, the second is for a structured appraisal. Whilst the appraisal is formative, attending and recording this attendance is a requirement for progression. To be satisfactory in this domain, students need to record, by deadlines provided, that their appraisal has taken place.