Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25
Available as a Free Standing Elective
In Year 5, students will be undertaking student assistantships in primary care placements (10 weeks) and secondary care (20 weeks) based across North Staffordshire, Shropshire & Mid-Wales and Mid/South Staffordshire followed by an 8 week student-organised elective in either the UK or abroad. Finally, students will attend a week based at Keele University focusing on preparation for professional practice.
The module aims to provide the foundation for:
The doctor as a scholar and a scientist:
The graduate will be able to:
�Apply to medical practice biomedical scientific principles, method and knowledge relating to: anatomy, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, nutrition, pathology, pharmacology and physiology.
�Apply psychological principles, method and knowledge to medical practice.
�Apply social science principles, method and knowledge to medical practice.
�Apply to medical practice the principles, method and knowledge of population health and the improvement of health and health care.
�Apply scientific method and approaches to medical research
The doctor as a practitioner:
The graduate will be able to:
�Carry out a consultation with a patient.
�Diagnose and manage clinical presentations.
�Communicate effectively with patients and colleagues in a medical context.
�Provide immediate care in medical emergencies.
�Prescribe drugs safely, effectively and economically.
�Carry out practical procedures safely and effectively
�Use information effectively in a medical context.
The acquisition of and proficiency in essential skills needed in clinical practice, for example:
1. Measuring body temperature.
2. Measuring pulse rate
3. Transcutaneous monitoring of oxygen saturation
4. Venepuncture
5. Managing blood samples correctly
6. Taking blood cultures
7. Measuring blood glucose
8. Managing an electrocardiograph (ECG) monitor
9. Performing and interpreting a 12-lead electrocardiograph (ECG)
10. Basic respiratory function tests
11. Urinalysis using Multistix
12. Advising patients on how to collect a mid-stream specimen
13. Taking nose, throat and skin swabs
14. Nutritional assessment
15. Pregnancy testing
16. Administering oxygen
17. Establishing peripheral intravenous access and setting up an infusion; use of infusion devices
18. Making up drugs for parenteral administration
19. Dosage and administration of insulin and use of sliding scales
20. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections
22. Male and female urinary catheterisation
23. Instructing patients in the use of devices for inhaled medication
24. Use of local anaesthetics
25. Skin suturing
26. Wound care and basic wound dressing
27. Correct techniques for moving and handling including patients
28. Giving information about the procedure, obtaining and recording consent, and ensuring appropriate aftercare
29. Hand washing (including surgical `scrubbing up�)
30. Use of personal protective equipment (gloves, gowns,masks)
31. Infection control in relation to procedures
32. Safe disposal of clinical waste, needles and other `sharps�
The doctor as a professional:
The graduate will be able to:
�Behave according to ethical and legal principles.
�Reflect, learn and teach others.
�Learn and work effectively within a multi-professional team.
�Protect patients and improve care.
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Link to year 5 ILOs 1,2,3
By year 5 of the MBChB a student will be in placement and studying full time. (37 hours a week)
Contact time:
Lectures, seminars and workshops: 133
Directed and self-directed clinical work (assistantship) and elective: 1145
Independent study: 276
Description of Module Assessment
1: Practical Exam weighted 100%Practical assessments - Objective Structured Clinical Examination
OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination): `Short cases which require
students to examine part of the patient, without taking a history, before reporting
their findings. Despite not requiring a history to be taken, students may still be
assessed on their communication skills. An OSCE is similar to spot assessment and involves a number of stations, each with
a different task. Students are given a set time to complete each station,
demonstrating a certain skill. OSCEs take place under exam conditions in the
presence of an observer who scores a check list� (BMA, 2004).
2: Portfolio weighted 0%Appraisal
Analysis of student progress made since last appraisal. Review of evidence provided to support stated progress. Review of self-identified deficiencies still to be addressed and proposed plans to address them. Discussion of MSF process and findings. Satisfactory engagement with Workplace Based Assessments.
3: Practical Exam weighted 0%Procedural skills Assessment
Procedural skills practical assessment