Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The core module `Disease Modelling and Therapy� draws upon the current trends in Regenerative Medicine research by applying translational cell biology for personalised medicine through disease modelling and therapy. The module aims to skill students for a growing market, in response to the growing demand for novel regenerative therapies, fuelled by advances in cell biology, biomaterials, tissue engineering and gene-editing technology. This is a fast-paced area of medicine in the 21st century, that through translational learning and entrepreneurial skills which this module offers, it exposes students to creative ideas for addressing current healthcare needs in the society. The module will combine expertise of academics and stakeholders for training next generation of science entrepreneurs for Regenerative Medicine.
The module aims to enhance student's evidence-based knowledge and to apply their entrepreneurial skills in the fields of disease modelling and therapy for regenerative medicine.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Build and develop entrepreneurial skills for the field of regenerative medicine by participating in module-associated entrepreneurial programme.: 2,3
Apply critical thinking through a business plan for a regenerative medicine application by bringing logical connections of concepts, ideas and skills relevant for this module.: 3
Demonstrate understanding of in silico gene engineering for disease modelling through practical training and critically evaluate limitation of approach for the chosen disease.: 1
Evaluate the strategies required to develop gene, cell and drug therapy through exemplars.: 1
Appraise concepts and advances in disease modelling for regenerative medicine.: 1
Assess and critique developments and regulations for disease modelling and therapy for regenerative medicine.: 1,3
Direct contact hours (F3+F5) = 60h which consist of
Lectures = 15h
Tutorials = 10h
Practical = 5h
Academic Mentorship during entrepreneurial programme = 5h
Entrepreneurial programme placement = 25h
Independent study hours (F4) = 90h which consist of
Directed reading to support lectures/tutorials (including private study) = 40h
Portfolio writing = 25h
Business Plan preparation = 25h
Bachelor's degree (or equivalent proof of training) in an approved discipline
Students taking this module as optional module, should also take associated module MTE-40028 (Stem Cells) as a supplementary optional module or show proof of knowledge in stem cells at Level 7.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Portfolio weighted 70%Portfolio on disease modelling and therapy
2: Attendance Only weighted 0%Attending Entrepreneurial Programme
3: Presentation weighted 30%Business Plan and Pitch