MUS-30063 - Remix Theory and Practice
Coordinator: Manuella Blackburn Room: CKF07 Tel: +44 1782 7 33298
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

Welcome to the world of remixing music! This module encourages you to extend the creativity around existing music, providing insight into reshaping and transforming tracks. You will learn about the techniques and tools for creating remixes and observe the commercial value of this practice by connecting with industry platforms that support and sustain remix professionals. You will try out your own remixes focused on genre flipping and will explore key theories that position remix as a discourse that infiltrates culture and society beyond music making.

To demonstrate and discuss the practice of remix in and outside musical contexts.
To establish a foundation for practical and theoretical implementation of remix techniques.
To understand industry implementation and uptake of remix activity.
To provide an overview of the legal entities surrounding copyright law in relation to remix for guidance and reference in future practical work.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate a thorough understanding of remix practices: 1,2
Identify and/or implement a variety of remix types within creative or contextual sources: 1,2
Demonstrate understanding of the key issues surrounding remix studies (authorship, copyright and intertextuality): 1,2
Engage with software and remix procedures to explore the outcomes and impact of developing and adapting musical material into new content: 1,2
Reflect critically on remix activity within one¿s own work and existing remix repertoire: 1,2
Build an understanding of the industry and vocational outlets for remix activity: 2

Study hours

24 hours of contact time, to include: 10 one-hour lectures
4 two-hours workshops
4 hours presentation participation
2 hours small group tutorials
Independent study:
38 hours of preparation for workshops and tutorials
88 hours of preparation for the summative assessment

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Creative Brief weighted 40%
Remix approaches
Remix a short (1-2 minute) track choosing one of three approaches from Eduardo Navas¿ Remix theory: `extended¿ remix, `selective¿ remix or `reflexive¿ remix approaches. The individual voices/tracks will be provided in-class. The creative work will be accompanied by a 1000-word description documenting the student's creative remix project and their chosen remix approach. This documentation will also draw upon key theories, literature and repertoire examples to demonstrate understanding and awarness of the remix field. A single mark is derived for both parts of the assessment since they are directly related to each other.

2: Creative Brief weighted 60%
Genre transformation remix
Remix a full track to generate a new work (between 3-4 minutes in duration) so that the sound material undergoes a genre change (e.g. Classical to Electronic Dance Music or Ambient to Trap). Stems will be provided in-class. The work will be accompanied by an in-class presentation (5 minutes) detailing the transformation process, the theoretical underpinning of the remix activity and information about where this work could be exhibited or positioned within the industry e.g. the student will indicate online platforms where the remix could be uploaded to/exhibited on to demonstrate their understanding of vocational/industry outlets for remix activity (this allows learning outcome IL06 to be measured). The presentation will be proceeded by a question-and-answer session (student led). The remixed work will be positioned amid other existing remix works/repertoire to demonstrate stylistic decision making and remix principles as discussed in the module.