MUS-30065 - Commercial Sound Applications
Coordinator: Manuella Blackburn Room: CKF07 Tel: +44 1782 7 33298
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This advanced module illuminates the process of applying sound design practices to commercial situations and contemporary industry approaches, preparing you for professional work as a creative sound practitioner.
From branding campaigns, gaming engines and mobile phone apps - these all require sound within their design and function. Understanding the languages and communicaton styles of these commercial products will inspire your own interpretations and bespoke sound creations to emerge. Attention upon audio tool product design (VSTs, plugins, Audio Units and Max for Live devices) will pave the way for you to create your own new tool which you will package and promote with acquied knowledge of endusers, marketing techniques and graphical user interfaces.

To advance understanding and application of sound within commercial situations and scenarios that simulate sound design practices in the 'real world', beyond university contexts. This module will encourage students to respond to project briefs and commission-style tasks, applying sound in a range of contemporary setups, enabling a broad array of vocational uses of sound to be realised. Working with a range of linear media e.g. Gaming, Radio, Film and Television will advance audio visual pairing and synchronisation skills. Engagement with non-linear media e.g. interactive media, sound toys and tools, and bespoke audio devices aims to encourage lateral thinking about human participation, developing insights into interactions with new interfaces and sensory experiences. Engaging with product design will encourage students to follow the trajectory of a newly designed audio tool from its conception, marketing and uptake in industry.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Interpret creative commission briefs for commercial situations: 1,2
Provide a variety of bespoke sound designs for commercial products, media, publicity, footage, games or entertainment content: 1
Consider target audiences and usergroups broadly within the design of their materials, building convincing rationales for decisions and creative work: 1,2
Program new commercial applications within Max/MSP to modify sound in new and innovative ways: 2
Integrate marketing tools, design principles and ergonomics within new userfriendly interfaces and project work: 2

Study hours

24 hours of lectures, workshops and tutorials
16 hours of reflection, revision and consolidation of lecture, workshop and individual supervision content, research through bibliographical and computer mediated sources through individual or group study work.
20 hours of listening (recommended works from the repertoire), reflection and revision of aesthetic and technical aspects based on lecture content, bibliographical and computer mediated sources.
30 hours of practical work in the lab or student's own DAW on preliminary tasks, to carry out studio tasks, familiarise with equipment and experiment with relevant techniques (based on instructional material on virtual learning environment).
60 hours of preparation of the two creative assessments (sound design and tool creation) and supporting documentation.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Creative Brief weighted 50%
Commercial sound design
A sound design (audio accompaniment) created in response to a provided commerical application, video, game or product delivered in the form of a commission. Acclimatisation with the context of the provided media will encourage sound designs to respond sonically to commercial properties of the media. For example a 3D gaming environment visual would be provided with no sound. Students will have to create the sound environments and sound effects in response to the game genre and participant interaction. This assessment would be accompanied by written documentation (max 1000 words).

2: Creative Brief weighted 50%
Audio tool prototype
A new technology tool/application will be created using Max/MSP to modify and transform sound. This new tool will be packaged as a commercial product prototype drawing upon concepts of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and marketing theories. Putting together an attractive and user-friendly interface that invites participation and targets particular endusers will encourage students to consider visual aesthetics, usability and product design when forming new sound tools. Functionality testing will be embedded into the project.