NUR-40037 - Advanced Work-based Practice Project (60)
Coordinator: Wendy Wesson Room: N/A Tel: +44 1782 7 38110
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 60
Study Hours: 600
School Office: 01782 556723

Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2023/24

This 60 credit, level 7 module, follows a work-based learning direction. It is structured to take into account a number of factors affecting education and professional role development for health-care professionals to embody an emphasis on the researching professional as a reflective practitioner. This module is grounded in professional practice and will offer you the opportunity to negotiate, design, implement and evaluate the effectiveness upon service of an advanced work-based project. This will inform the development of professional practice, significantly contribute to service enhancement and contribute to your continuing professional development.
The specific focus will be negotiated based on your particular professional interests as demonstrated within their professional portfolio, in conjunction with their work-based facilitator and the academic supervisor. It promotes an opportunity for you to demonstrate critical and creative thinking through your approach to practice-based initiatives.
The module will be underpinned by the work-based learning philosophy, which will be incorporated as a stimulating and challenging approach.

To provide the opportunity to develop Masters level research skills through the execution of a professional practice based initiative that falls within the realms of the individual's professional responsibility. The approach to this work-based project will enable the student to negotiate, design, implement and evaluate the effectiveness on service of the project.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Conduct and critically review and appraise a work-based project in relation to project conception, delivery and the implementation strategy.: 1
Demonstrate a high level of judgement in the selection of appropriate information gathering methods and implement and evaluate these rigorously.: 1
Critically evaluate and reassess results and techniques during the enquiry period (as appropriate), demonstrating evidence of advanced methods of analysis and a high level of skill in their execution.: 1
Critically reflect upon the advanced work-based practice project and synthesise understanding from this process.: 1
Display evidence of critical analysis, independence of thought and an understanding of advanced concepts and methods related to research and independent enquiry.: 1

Study hours

A blended learning strategy comprised of: Direct tutor contact, to include seminar activities, group discussions, KLE activities, face-to-face tutorials, practice based facilitator tutorials to support work based project and 1-1 supervision

School Rules

Hold current first level Professional Registration with a relevant regulatory body e.g. Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC); Health Professional Council (HPC); General Social Care Council (GSCC).
Have an identified work-based facilitator within their practice area, who will support and guide their development throughout this module and their Masters programme.

Description of Module Assessment

1: Project weighted 100%
Completion of a 12,000 word practice based project
A 12,000 word assignment that is reflective of the work-based practice project undertaken. There will be evidence of a negotiated contract between the student, employer, practice-based facilitator and module leader (as appropriate). The project will be practice based and contribute to service enhancement. The dissertation will detail the process of their critical enquiry and articulate a suitable framework. It will demonstrate an analysis and evaluation of the advanced practice project. There will also be a personal reflective element where the student will critically analyse the advancement of their own professional learning and contribution to professional knowledge.