Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module is designed to provide a clear and inspiring introduction to social scientific perspectives on environmental problems and the concept of sustainability. It is useful to students taking environment-related courses who require a solid grounding in environmental social sciences as well as to students with a general interest in this timely global issue.
The module looks at the emergence of the environment; as an object of study, the historical processes leading to the contemporary discussion of sustainability; (and unsustainability) and the various ways in which political and social theorists, scientists, artists, fiction writers, and activists have interpreted a range of environmental problems and solutions in different contexts. Students will learn to recognise the political aspects of the environmental crisis and to understand how and why both environment; and sustainability; are essentially contested concepts.
The ten topic-based lectures (plus one revision lecture) are complemented by nine weekly meetings of small tutorial groups. The tutorial sessions enable students to discuss and debate the academic content, as well as to practise core skills that will be required for successful University-level study -- such as paraphrasing an author's argument, using the Harvard system of referencing, attributing a concept to a specific school of thought, and constructing an effective argument. Tutorial group sessions enable students to develop the important verbal communication skills of effective question-posing and active listening. Students are required to undertake a written analysis of historical turning points in the history of humanity as well as writing an argumentative essay on the history of sustainability.
i) to provide a first year introduction to the social scientific perspectives on environmental problems and the concept of sustainability.
ii) to enable students to develop the core study and communication skills needed to be successful in the social science components of the degree programme (e.g., effective writing and reading, critical thinking, and accessing information).
Talis Aspire Reading ListAny reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
explain the emergence of 'the environment' as an object of social scientific study and political debate: 2
explain the development of, and debates about, the concepts of 'sustainable development' and 'sustainability': 2
identify and critically discuss -- by applying relevant conceptual tools -- the social, political, economic, and cultural factors that have led to the problem of 'unsustainability': 2
develop an argument and assemble a coherent analysis that is communicated effectively, using an appropriate academic writing style and correctly apply the Harvard system of referencing: 2
11 hours lectures
10 hours tutorials
39 hours tutorial preparation
90 hours research and writing of both written assignments
Description of Module Assessment
1: Reflective Analysis weighted 25%Annotated timeline
2: Essay weighted 75%1,500 word essay