PIR-30164 - Global Governance of Peace and Security
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This module will investigate these dynamic trends shaping the global governance of peace in the changing world order. Drawing on mainstream International Relations and critical peace studies, the students will examine the evolution and the recent crisis in the global governance of peace and security. In examining internal and external challenges to this governance agenda, this module will unpack the following themes: peacebuilding and peacekeeping: evolution, conceptual origins and its uptake; changing forms of peacekeeping; the institutional architecture of the global governance of peace; the `pieces¿ of the global governance of peace: negotiating peace agreements, rule of law, security sector reform, transitional justice, and post-conflict constitution writing; challenges and shortcomings of peacebuilding, and the unintended consequences to peacekeeping. In particular, this module aims to go beyond the study of liberal peace frameworks that give undue focus on conflict processes where Western states are the primary external actors, to study the agency of other non-Western states like India, China, Russia in recent conflicts, including, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and, Syria.

Students of this module will investigate these dynamic trends shaping the global governance of peace in the changing world order. Drawing on mainstream International Relations and critical peace studies, the students will examine the evolution and the recent crisis in the global governance of peace and security. The module will use a variety of real world examples, case studies, short films, databases, speeches and policy briefings to critically examine the recent state of global governance architecture. The module aims to cultivate critical skills to understand the ideological underpinnings of the current global governance of peace, its impact on norms and practices of peacebuilding and peacekeeping on the ground, as well as alternative forms of mitigating conflict that are gaining ground.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

discuss global governance of peace as a part of a wider historical and structural shift in the world order: 1,2
critically evaluate the `everyday¿ manifestation of peacekeeping and peacebuilding through various themes such as transition justice, election monitoring, security sector reform: 1,2
critically analyse contemporary peace operations as well as the challenges and opportunities they present: 1,2
develop new knowledge or approaches to alternatives to liberal peace: 2

Study hours

10 hours lectures
10 hours seminars
80 hours seminar preparation
10 hours group presentation preparation
40 hours essay research and preparation

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Group Presentation weighted 30%
Group Oral Presentation
Using at least two case studies, students will present on the question: Can liberal peace survive a post-liberal world? Students will work in groups of 3-4 for the presentation of 15 minutes, which will include peer moderation in the weighting of individual marks. The presentations will take place during the tutorials.

2: Essay weighted 70%
A 3000-word essay will be written from a choice of questions.