PSY-10040 - Answering Questions with Quantitative Data
Coordinator: David Walker Tel: +44 1782 7 34265
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733736

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This module will introduce you to the world of psychology research with quantitative data. We will cover a host of topics from what we consider knowledge to be, to how do we propose and test hypotheses. As you progress in the module you will learn a host of different analytic methods which allow you to draw conclusions about the the world and behaviour around you. This module will culminate with you and other students completing a research project of your own to answer a question about human behaviour.

To introduce students to and develop their understanding of research philosophy, design, and methodology.
To develop students ability to propose and test hypotheses suitable for quantitative analysis.
To enable students to handle data and utilise a range of analyses to answer questions with quantitative data.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate the ability to select the appropriate research design and analytical methods from a range in line with the questions proposed.: 1,2
Identify, use and correctly interpret the results of a range of quantitative analyses.: 1,2
Demonstrate an understanding of the research process from conception to completion of write up.: 2,3

Study hours

Students will spend approximately 90 minutes per week working through an asynchronous Sway of the weekly content totaling 18 hours.
Students are also expected to spend approximately 1 hour on independent reading of recommended texts per week totaling 12 hours.
Students will have 2 hours per week of scheduled lab time totaling 24 hours.
Students will be given precursor activities each week to complete before their lab expected to take approximately 30 minutes totaling 6 hours.
The remainder of the time is a proportional distribution between the assessments on the module with 90 hours split into 50 completing an independent report, 24 on the short answer analyses and 6 hours on half a years worth of RPT.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Class Test weighted 20%
5x multiple choice questionnaires

2: Individual Report weighted 70%
Individual report

3: Attendance Only weighted 10%
Research participation time