RDI-20019 - Histology and Pathology (Apprentice Route)
Coordinator: Desiree O'Leary Tel: +44 1782 7 34112
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 5
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective





Successful Completion of all level 4 modules on the Apprenticeship BSc (Hons) Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) programme.

Barred Combinations

N / A

Description for 2024/25

This module develops the knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology linking this with image evaluation skill of the apprentice incorporating adapted technique images and the cross-sectional modalities and complex modalities/ imaging. This module will enhance the apprentice�s appreciation of anatomy, physiology and pathology allowing development of knowledge in both sensitivity and specificity values of imaging modalities for specific clinical questions.

Apprentices successfully completing this module will be able to evaluate and discuss body systems of the Human Body pertinent to the role of Diagnostic Radiographer. Additionally, when in-situ will be able to evaluate pathologies of the plain images (advanced), CT head and MRI head and spine related to the human body.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Evaluate and explain the appropriateness of imaging requests related to the progression and consolidation of pathologies and trauma: 2
Describe and evaluate the physiology and function of the body�s organ systems and their function in the maintenance of homeostasis: 1,2
Discuss and evaluate the rationale for inclusion of routinely used drugs within imaging departments, including the pharmacology, their purpose and contraindications.: 2
Systematically analyse plain radiographic images to describe, recognise and comment on the radiographic appearances and pathological processes: 1,2
Review, comment on, identify and describe gross pathologies referring to Computerised Tomography head scans: 1,2
Review, identify and describe gross pathologies referring to MRI heads and spine: 1,2
Understand other imaging modalities and their role in the Patient care pathway, in particular Mammography, RNI and ultrasound: 1,2

Study hours

Active learning includes:
~ 35 hours scheduled lectures
~ 48 hours workbook directed study
Independent study:
~ 55 hours self directed study
~ 12 hours assessment preparation

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Workbook weighted 30%
Continuous workbook on histology and pathology in advanced modalities and plain radiography

2: Exam weighted 70%
Online examination